Examples of Territory-Based Lead Assignment

You can assign leads to the appropriate territories based on matching lead attributes to territory dimensions.

This topic provides some examples of the relationship between the assignment of sales leads to territories. It also contains examples of different dimensions used to assign sales leads to the correct sales territories.

A territory is the jurisdiction of responsibility of a sales resource over a set of sales accounts. Use territory-based assignment to assign sales territories to leads.

Assign Territories to Lead Territory Team

You can set up Assignment Manager to automatically assign sales territories to the lead using territories defined in Territory Manager. For example, a salesperson navigates to the leads list and opens the newly created lead. Using the Reassign action, the salesperson accesses the assignment manager feature and selects an option to run automatic assignment immediately to reassign the lead to the appropriate territories.

Territory-Based Assignment Mapping

You can leverage predefined territory-based assignment mappings to match the correct territories with each lead. For example, you can map the location attribute on the lead to the geography attribute on the territory. Any territories where the geography value matches the location of the lead is matched and assigned the lead.

Ensure you have defined your territory boundary based on dimensions. There's only one set of mappings for a work object and candidate object combination. The mappings for various assignment scenarios (such as assignment of a territory to a lead) must be setup through a mapping that assigns appropriate sales territories to a lead territory team. If the lead needs rule-based assignment, then rule sets are used. If the lead needs territory assignment only, then the rules may not be required.

Examples of Enabling Territory Dimensions

You can enable only the dimensions that your organization requires for defining territories. These examples illustrate different dimensions used to assign sales leads to the correct sales territories.




For most of your sales activities, you want to assign salespeople by city and postal code.


You have a few key accounts that should belong to top salespeople. Use the account dimension to create territories for individual sales accounts.

Customer Size

One product line is suitable only for organizations above a certain size, and you have a few skilled salespeople for that product line. Use the customer size dimension to assign skilled salespeople to the larger customers for the product line.


You sell one type of service to telecommunications companies, another service to utilities, and a third service for insurance companies. You can create territories for each using the industry dimension.


You sell a product line that requires salespeople to have a high degree of technical knowledge. Create separate territories for this product line.

Sales Channel

Your sales department prefers to engage partners as indirect sales channel, and telesales functions in addition to the direct sales force. You can create territories for these different sales channels such as telesales, direct, and indirect sales channels.