Examples of Using Dimensional Coverage

Enable only the dimensions your organization requires for defining territories. These examples illustrate the use of different dimensions to assign customers, leads, and opportunity lines to the correct salespeople using defined territories.

Account Type

You want to assign major customers to Named accounts territories. A named account territory can have child territories identified by additional criteria, such as address. You also have territories with the account type of Not Named that include no major named accounts in the hierarchy.

Customer Size

One product line is suitable only for organizations above a certain size. Use the customer size dimension to target only the larger customers for the product line.


You sell one type of service to telecommunications companies, another service to utilities, and a third service for insurance companies. You can create territories for each using the Industry dimension.


You sell a product line that requires salespeople to have a high degree of technical knowledge. Create separate territories for this product line.

Sales Channel

You delegate customers that are small to partner sales organizations by address.