Extend Application Pages for Relationships

Using Application Composer, you can change many items that appear on the application set of pages for relationships.

Use Application Composer to modify this page:

  • Add Relationship page

This page is available from the Relationships subtab when you drill down from the application details pages for these objects:

  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Households

Add Relationship Page

You can modify the Add Relationship page which displays when you create a relationship from the Relationships subtab on any Edit Account, Edit Contact, or Edit Household page. For example, you can hide standard relationship fields, make a field required, add a default value, and show user-defined relationship fields. You can also reorder fields and change field labels. To modify the Add Relationship page:

  1. Navigate to the Relationship object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, under Creation Page Layouts, duplicate the standard layout to create a new layout to edit. Or, edit another existing layout.

    To enhance run time usability for your end users, optionally group user-defined fields into field groups.