Extend Lead-Related Actions for Workspace

You can specify and modify some lead-specific actions that your salespeople can quickly access from Workspace. These lead-related actions include the Assign Partner, Convert, Reject, Retire actions.

For example, you can modify the convert lead layout page and specify a reason and additional comment field for the retire and reject lead actions.

Here's how to enable the Lead actions on Workspace.

  1. Create a sandbox and navigate to the Smart Actions administration tool in Application Composer, under Common Setup.

  2. Using the Actions search box, look for the lead action that you want - Assign Partner, Convert, Reject, or Retire. The action you selected for the lead is displayed.

  3. Click the check box under the Enabled column to make available the selected action from the Workspace saved searches.

  4. If you make changes to predefined actions be sure to publish the sandbox, sign out of the application, and sign back in.

  5. Verify your changes in Workspace.

Here's how to extend the Convert action dialog box.

  1. Create a sandbox and navigate to Standard Objects > Sales Lead > Pages in Application Composer.

  2. In the Lead Convert Page Layouts section under the Application Pages tab, duplicate the Standard layout.

  3. Edit the duplicated layout to extend the lead convert action with the changes you want.

  4. Publish the sandbox, sign out of the application, and sign back in.

  5. Verify your changes in Workspace.

Note: Workspace requires a few moments to index new or modified information. For example, you perform a successful lead to opportunity conversion and you notice that the lead record displays a status of Unqualified. Close the list and in a few moments when indexing is complete for the converted lead record, return again and note that the record status has changed to Converted.