Forecast Processes

When you enable forecasting, the Forecast Autopilot process is scheduled to run every hour. Forecast Autopilot schedules the required processes for forecasting and records when each process is run, along with the status. Forecast Autopilot generates these processes and scheduled times:

  • Check Due Date

    This short process archives forecasts that are now past their due dates and activates the next scheduled forecast. It runs once a day.

  • Refresh Forecast

    This process updates current and future forecasts using the latest opportunity data. It also updates the forecast territory hierarchy from the latest active territories. Between the territory freeze date and the forecast due date, the forecast territory hierarchy remains frozen. This process runs one day before the territory freeze date for each forecast period.

  • Refresh Revenue Metrics

    This process calculates the pipeline metric and closed revenue metric. It refreshes the pipeline metrics visible to the manager and runs every hour.

  • Compress Forecast Metrics

    This process reduces space usage and improves performance by compressing calculated metrics. It runs every hour.

If you change the schedules for the processes, then the Forecast Autopilot runs as frequently as the process with the most frequent schedule. Don't run the Generate Forecast process. To run Forecast Autopilot right away:

  1. Navigate to Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Find Forecast Autopilot.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Diagnostic Parameters field, enter setup_auto_pilot=ON.

    If you want to disable the Forecast Autopilot process, then enter setup_auto_pilot=OFF. With Forecast Autopilot disabled, you must schedule each process.

  6. Click Submit.