How do I manage resource organization hierarchy changes?

Consider a resource who's assigned the role of a manager. This manager may be part of a hierarchy and contain direct reports.

For example, a group of salespeople report to a sales manager and this sales manager reports to a sales director. The sales director might have one or more sales managers reporting to him or her.

A manager might leave the organization, transferred to another organization, maybe demoted from a resource manager role to a salesperson role, and so on. In all such cases, the direct reports maybe left as orphaned resources within the organization. To prevent such scenarios, by default it isn't allowed to change the manager having active child organization or direct reports.

When you need to move the manager having direct reports, as an exception, you can use the Enable End Dating Resource Manager Unconditionally (ORA_HZ_RES_ENABLE_MGR_END_UNCOND) profile option. This allows the movement of the manager resource without the need to move the child organizations and direct reports.

The Enable End Dating Resource Manager Unconditionally (ORA_HZ_RES_ENABLE_MGR_END_UNCOND) profile option is set to No by default. If the profile value is set to No and you try to end date the resource manager or end-date the resource organization membership of the resource manager while there are active direct reports, an error message is displayed. You must first move these direct reports to another organization and then end date the resource manager.

Complete these steps to set the value of the Enable End Dating Resource Manager Unconditionally (ORA_HZ_RES_ENABLE_MGR_END_UNCOND) profile option to Yes:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. Search for ORA_HZ_RES_ENABLE_MGR_END_UNCOND and view or change the profile value.

Note: This profile option setting impacts the handling of resources using the application UI, Import, and web services. Changing this profile value to Yes leads to orphan resources and causing data integrity issues. We recommend that you don't change the profile value to Yes. If you must change the value, you must be extremely cautious specially while handling large volumes of resource organization data. You must provide a replacement of the manager at the earliest.