How Search Action is Modified

During Adaptive Search setup, you can decide which fields of a business object and its related objects can be used in searches and displayed as search filters.

For example, you can make it possible for salespeople to search for accounts using the account's primary contact name in the Workspace UI. You can also enable the account primary contact name for use in opportunity searches. When a salesperson searches on the account primary contact name in the opportunity Search box, the application lists all of the opportunities belonging to the accounts that have the individual listed as the primary contact.

Note: By entering precise search criteria for your saved search, you can greatly decrease the number of records returned and decrease the load time.

Adaptive Search supports relationships between the ready-to-use standard business objects. It also supports one-to-one and one-to-many custom relationships between standard and custom objects. Setup is done on the Advanced setup tab of the Configure Adaptive Search page. You select the business object you want to set up in the left pane of the tab, and set the object's search properties in the right pane.

Note: To be able to search on a particular attribute in Global Search, you must select the Include in Keyword Search option for that attribute.

Here's a screen capture of the Advanced setup tab of the Configure Adaptive Search page.

Screenshot of the Advanced subtab of the Configure Adaptive Search setup page

Left Pane - Select Objects and Related Objects

In the left pane of the tab, you can:

  • Enable and disable each business object for the Workspace UI by selecting its check box. (This is the equivalent of enabling the objects on the Quick Setup tab.)

  • Expand each object to view the hierarchy of related objects.

  • Select an object or a related object in the hierarchy to display its fields in the right pane.

As an example, here's a diagram of a portion of the related object hierarchy for opportunities and some of the fields each level of the hierarchy includes.

Object hierarchy and the fields at each level of the hierarchy described in the text which follows.

Here's an explanation:

Hierarchy Level

Object Name




Selecting the Opportunity top-level object in the left pane lets you specify the search operation for opportunity fields.

The list includes opportunity fields, such as name, asset, creation date, sales method, and sales stage and fields created by Workspace representing the related objects. These concatenated fields include all of the configuration settings for each related object.

For example, the Account field includes your configuration of search terms and settings for the Account object, the Contacts field includes the configuration for the Contacts object, and so on.



An opportunity includes a field called Account where you enter the name of the account related to the opportunity. When you select Account in the left pane, the right pane only displays one field: Account.

The Account field in the right pane displays the identifying attribute name for the respective objects as follows:

Entity - Identifying Attribute Name

  • Account - Name

  • Activity - Subject

  • Asset - Asset Number

  • Contact - Name

  • Lead - Lead Name

  • Opportunity - Name

  • Partner - Name

  • Partner Contact - Name



Selecting the Account object in the hierarchy displays the list of fields you can enable and configure for accounts. Configuring the Account object is the same as configuring the Account top-level object: the list of fields is the same and your selections affect all objects that include Account as a related object.

Right Pane - Configure Search Action for Your Selection

The right pane of the tab, Configure Fields, is where you control the search properties for fields of the object or related object you selected. Depending on the field, there are up to four options you can select:


What It Does


Enables the field for search. After you publish your setup and the indexing process completes successfully, you can:

  • Search using the field and include it in filters

  • Display it as a column in the Workspace table

Analyzed Text Search

This option is available for text fields only. Workspace can search text fields either as a single string or as individual indexed words. Selecting this option indexes individual words and enables fuzzy match and additional operators that you can use when searching the field. Fuzzy match makes it possible to search for similar spellings.

Selecting the Analyzed Text Search option, enables these operators:

  • All of the words

  • Any of the words

  • Contains

  • Ends with

  • Equals

  • Fuzzy match

  • None of the words

  • Not equal to

  • Starts with

Leaving the Analyzed Text Search option deselected, restricts you to these operators:

  • Equals

  • Exists

  • Is missing

  • Not equal to

Include in Keyword Search

Makes it possible to search on the field using the Search box at the top of the Workspace UI and enables keyword search on fields in Adaptive Search REST API. To be able to search on a particular attribute in Global Search, you must select the Include in Keyword Search option for that attribute.

The Adaptive Search application copies all the fields marked as Include in Keyword Search to a concatenated field that's made available for the search. If you select this option for five account fields, then the five are concatenated in a field and all five can be used in searching accounts. If you include too many fields as Include in Keyword Search, the accuracy of the search may diminish.

Note: Date fields and numeric fields aren't supported for Include in Keyword Search.

Include in Object Reference

Enables the field for use in searches of related objects. You can enable up to 15 fields. For example, if you select this option for the Chief Executive Name on the Account object, you can enable this field also for searching opportunities.

Note: Formula fields can't be configured in Adaptive Search because they aren't searchable and can't be indexed.