How to Migrate Your Adaptive Search Configurations from Test to Production Environments

You can migrate your Adaptive Search configuration along with other configurations from your test environment to your production environment. From the Navigator, select Configuration Migration . For more detailed information, see the section Moving Application Changes in the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

To include the Adaptive Search configuration in your configuration migration, select the Workspace Configuration option. Before you migrate any changes, you must ensure that:

  • ZCA_MANAGE_INTERACTIVE_LISTS_SAVED_SEARCH privilege is assigned to your role

  • All changes are published on the target environment.

  • There's no publish job in progress.

    Note: For CSM export, you must first run a publish job from Configure Adaptive Search to ensure that the active meta model version is updated to the latest release.

An error occurs if a publish job is in progress and if a Configuration Set Migration (CSM) import is triggered. Only migrate changes after your Adaptive Search publish has completed on the target.

Selecting the Workspace Configuration option migrates all of your Adaptive Search configurations except for saved searches you created. You must recreate any custom saved searches in the production environment after the migration is complete.

Trigger the CSM import on the customer environment only when all published jobs are in a successful state. After the successful completion of your CSM migration:

  1. Navigate to your target environment and configure the Workspace UI.

  2. Run a Publish job to ensure that all changes are indexed and available to Workspace.

Note: Don't manually configure the production environment for the features you're migrating.