How You Manage Forecasts for Others

A sales administrator can take care of everyone's forecast. Also, a territory owner can delegate someone else on the territory team to take care of forecasting actions for her.

If, for example, a senior sales manager wants one person to update forecasts for everyone in her territory hierarchy, then for her territory she adds that person as a member of the territory team and selects the Forecast Delegate check box.

Finding and Viewing Forecasts

The administrator or delegate can search to find the territory forecast to be updated. You can search for past, current, and future forecasts. You can also save your favorite searches.

You can switch from card view to list view in the Forecasts page to work with multiple forecasts.

Copying the Prior Forecast

Use the Copy Prior Forecast action to ignore the rolled up opportunity data and copy the numbers from the previously submitted forecast to the current forecast. The prior forecast included forecast items and adjustments, unless it in turn was copied. Your copy takes the total forecast numbers, including adjustments, and pastes them to your current forecast. These numbers overwrite any calculated totals from rolled up opportunity or adjustment data.