Inheritance Territories

Sometimes organizations (for example, an industry overlay organization) shadow the prime sales organization. Inheritance territories offer an approach for simplifying the administration of territories for these shadow organizations. Inheritance territories consist of a source territory and one or more recipient territories.

A shadow (recipient) territory is linked to the prime territory with the source territory information. The inheritance territory feature is only available in the More Details pages, where changes to territories are managed using a proposal.

One additional benefit of defining inheritance territories, is that the administrator can override the territory dimensions on the recipient territory. Customer or partner inclusions and exclusions can also be inherited. The source and recipient territories can have different territory owners and can be placed in different hierarchies.


Here's an example of a prime salesperson and a shadow industry salesperson. Jane owns the Northern California territory and is responsible for selling all products to all customers located in Northern California. The source territory, Northern California, has this dimensional coverage:

  • Products: Any

  • Industry: Any

  • Address: United States > California > Northern CA

Chris is part of the industry overlay organization and shadows Jane, but Chris is only responsible for high tech and manufacturing customers located in Northern California. The recipient territory, Northern California HT&M has this dimensional coverage:

  • Products: Any

  • Industry: High Tech, Manufacturing

  • Address: United States > California > Northern CA

In the Northern California HT&M territory, the high tech and manufacturing industry dimensions are considered overrides.