Lead Assignment Profile Options

Lead assignment profile options are configurable options that affect assignment manager application operations. Values defined at the user level take precedence over those at the site level. If a value isn't defined at the user level, the site level value is used.

Lead Assignment

This table lists the profile options that affect the assignment of lead status, rank, score, resources, and territories on the lead. Before setting these profile options, you must perform the tasks listed under Configure Assignment Manager for Lead Processing setup task. From there you can review and update assignment of candidate objects such as rank, qualification status, and resources to leads.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Assignment Rule for Qualifying Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_QUAL_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the lead status per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Ranking Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_RANK_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the lead rank per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Assignment (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_MATCHING_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the sale team resources per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Scoring Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_SCORE_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign a score per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Lead Assignment (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and further filter territories derived using territory-based assignment per rule conditions.



Specify the default assignment mode type allowed during on-demand or automatic lead assignment. On-demand assignment occurs when a user selects the assign lead action in the UI.

Lead Batch Reassignment (MKL_LEAD_BATCH_ASSIGNMENT)


Enable batch lead reassignment, in addition to lead automatic reassignment. For example, when leads are selected for reassignment, they get reassigned when the Request Sales Lead Assignments process next runs using the Reassign process selection criteria.