Lead Ranking

When setting up lead management capabilities, you can predefine criteria to rank leads. You can define lead rank to categorize leads into buckets such as Hot, Warm, or Cool. Although lead rank and lead score aren't the same, they serve a similar purpose.

Create Ranking Rules

When a sales lead is created, a lead rank is first calculated based on assignment rules. The ranking classification rule set type determines the rank of the lead based on the values of the attributes on the lead. These data points help to evaluate lead ranking rules:

  • All data included on the lead and lead primary product data

  • All customer profile data including industry and customer size classifications

  • All contact profile data

  • All lead qualification data

Here's how you can set up a lead rank rule:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and select Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules task.

  2. Select the Sales Lead Ranking Rule Category.

  3. Create a rule set with a rule set type of Classification Rule.

  4. Set the work object as lead and the candidate object as lead rank.

  5. Create a rule with conditions that match the attribute settings you want a lead to have to give it a rank value.

    For example, you might select the Decision Maker Identified attribute name and then select the equal (=) operator.

  6. Enter the value of True.

    Note: When creating an assignment rule that uses a check box field, note that the value of true may be denoted by "Y" or "Yes" or "T". Ensure the check box is clear is you want to denote a false value.
  7. Create any other remaining conditions that you want, and then enter the action for your rule, such as Return the candidate value as Hot.

Calculate Lead Rank Based on a Score

You can schedule when and how often to process lead ranking where the lead rank value or score is calculated and displayed. Ranking rules determine what rank to assign to a lead. You can also create ranking rules that use the lead score as the criteria to name each range of scores with a specific rank.

For example, if the lead score is between a value range of 0 and 39, you can create a rule to rank the lead as low priority. If the lead score is between a value of 40 and a value of 60, then create a ranking rule that assigns a medium rank to the lead. The assignment manager process passes the rank value to the lead management process and a rank value is displayed as a list. You can override the value by selecting a different predefined rank code or value from the list.