Link Campaigns Using the Lead to Opportunity Copy Map

If a lead is linked to a marketing campaign through a campaign response, then the association to the campaign must be maintained in your lead to opportunity conversion process.

This allows the opportunities to be linked with campaigns, and the respective opportunity revenue to be attributed to its linked campaign.

Modify the predefined copy map template, Copy Lead to Opportunity Map, to add a campaign entity mapping and campaign attributes. For information about how to modify a copy map, see the Example of Modifying the Lead to Opportunity Copy Map topic.

  1. Add an entity mapping between OpportunityCampaignVO and Campaign Member with LeadId as the unique identifier.

  2. Add the following attribute mappings as shown in the screenshot.

    • CampaignId

    • OptyCampaignId

    • OptyId

    • RevenuePercentage

    Entity mapping screenshot for campaigns