Make Changes to Competitors Pages

Competitors pages are available from the Navigator by selecting the Competitors menu item. You can use Application Composer to change look of the these pages.

Competitors Pages and Navigation

Here are the extensible pages and regions for the Sales Competitor object, along with the navigation to the configuration pages.

Competitors Page

Competitors Region


Competitors Overview page

Competitors list region

  1. Select the Sales Competitor object.

  2. Click the Pages link.

  3. Click the Desktop Pages tab.

  4. Click the Edit Summary Table link.

Create Competitor page

Details region

  1. Select the Sales Competitor object.

  2. Click the Pages link.

  3. Click the Desktop Pages tab.

  4. Click the Edit Creation Page link.

Edit Competitor page

Details region

  1. Select the Sales Competitor object.

  2. Click the Pages link.

  3. Click the Desktop Pages tab.

  4. Click the Edit Summary Form link.

For more details about adding fields, see the topics on adding fields using Application Composer.

Create New Competitor Fields

If you want to put more fields on Competitors competitor pages, then you first create them. Here's an example of how to do that:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  2. In the Objects tree, under Standard Objects, expand the object tree for the object you're modifying. For example, expand the Sales Competitor tree.

  3. Click the Fields node for the object.

  4. Click the Custom tab.

  5. Click the Create icon, or select Create from the Actions menu.

  6. Select the type of field you're creating. For example, select Text as the type for a text entry field.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the Appearance area, enter a Display Label for the new field. Set other optional attributes as desired.

  9. In the Name area, enter an internal name for the field. The application prepopulates one based on your entry in the Display Label field, but you can override the default value. Ensure there's no space in an internal name.

  10. Optionally, in the Constraints area, enter additional parameters for the field. For example, make the field a required field.

  11. Optionally, in the Default Value region, enter a default value for the field.

  12. Click Save and Close.

Modify Competitors Pages

Now that you have added your fields, here's how add them to the Competitors pages or regions.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  2. In the Objects tree, under Standard Objects, expand the Sales Competitor object tree.

  3. Click the Pages node for the Sales Competitor object.

  4. All competitor pages are located under the Desktop Pages tab. Click the Desktop Pages tab.

  5. Click the page you want to change and make the changes. See the Competitors Pages and Navigation section above for more information on which pages are extensible.

  6. Save your changes.

Duplicate Display Names for Fields

When you configure Competitors pages, in the Available Fields list, some field display names appear to be duplicates. For example, you may see two fields for Primary Competitor. The names you see in the list are display names only; each has an underlying name, which is its actual name. To see the underlying name of the field, hover your mouse pointer over the field name. The hover text displays the actual name of the field.