Opportunity Profile Options Default Values and Effects

Opportunity profile options are configurable options that affect how opportunities are managed. Values defined at the user level take precedence over values set at the site level. If a value isn't defined at the user level, the site level value is used.

The effect of setting each of the opportunity profile options is described in these sections:

  • Opportunity Assignment

  • Opportunity Close Options

  • Opportunity Sales Method and Revenue

  • Opportunity Team and Partner

  • Opportunity Searches

  • Opportunity Lists and Filters

  • Opportunity Copy Mapping

Opportunity Assignment

This table lists the profile options that affect the assignment of opportunities.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Territory-Based Assignment Rule Category


Specifies the rule category used for rule filtering during opportunity territory-based assignment.

Territory Based Resource Assignment Style


Determines whether to copy all territory resources to the opportunity team or just the territory owner during territory assignment.

Note: The Lock Assignment check box, if selected, takes precedence and prevents a salesperson from being automatically removed from an opportunity through the assignment engine. Only users with Full access on the opportunity can select or deselect the Lock Assignment check box for sales team members.

Sales Team Member Assignment Rule Category


Specifies the assignment rule category used by the automatic assignment process to assign sales team members to opportunities.

Opportunity Assignment Mode

Territory-based Assignment Only

Determines the types of assignment modes allowed during opportunity assignment.

Assignment Submission at Save Enabled


Determines whether the assignment engine is started automatically when an opportunity is saved.

Territory-Based Assignment Selective Update Enabled


Enables opportunity time stamp update during territory-based assignment if assignment outcome changed. If disabled, always update opportunity time stamp during territory assignment.

Note: When enabled, this profile option updates only the Revenue Owner and Opportunity Owner. For example, to reduce the performance overhead, the last assigned time stamp (date) isn't updated for any incoming Territories where the time stamp is the same as already assigned Territories.

Opportunity Close Effects

This table shows the profile options that affect opportunity close actions.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Close Opportunity Win/Loss Reason Required


Determines whether, when closing an opportunity, the user is required to enter a win or loss reason. Applies both at the opportunity and revenue item levels.

Close Opportunity Competitor Required


Determines whether, when closing an opportunity, the user is required to enter a competitor. Applies both at the opportunity and revenue item levels.

Opportunity Close Date Default


Determines the number of days after an opportunity is created for the initial close date.

If you want the application to show a blank close date when an opportunity is initially created, blank out any value in this profile option and ensure the Close Window field in the Edit Sales Method page is blank.

Opportunity Close Date Retain on Closure


Instructs the application to retain the old close date even after the status of the opportunity or product line is set to a closed status. If you don't set this profile option to yes, then the close date on the opportunity header or product line is updated with the current date when the opportunity or product line is closed.

Close Opportunity Flow Enabled


Enables the Close Opportunity interface to record details about the close.

Close Date Range Maximum Value


Specifies the maximum number of days the Close Date Range parameter can be set to. Applies to both revenue and opportunity search.

Opportunity Sales Methods and Revenue

This table lists the profile options that affect the opportunity sales methods and revenue lines.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Search Revenue Filter Default

My Revenue Items

Specifies the default value displayed in the Show table filter in revenue search.

Multiple Currencies for Opportunity Revenue Lines Enabled


Enables multiple currencies for opportunity revenue lines independently of the opportunity header currency. A value of No synchronizes header currency to the lines.

Nonrevenue Credit Allocation Style


Specifies the default type of nonrevenue credit allocation split.

Sales Method Default


Specifies the default sales method for the business unit. The value specified is used when creating a new opportunity.

Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled


Specifies whether to allow sales personnel to browse the sales catalog from the Products region in the opportunities UI.

Opportunity Sales Credit Enabled


Enables the sales credit interface in the opportunity UI to view and record sales credit allocations for opportunity lines.

Opportunity Synchronization Cascade Enabled


Enables the opportunity cascading logic to keep opportunity summary and revenue lines in synchronization with each other.

Opportunity Team and Partner

This table lists the profile options that affect the team and partner options for opportunities.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Internal Resource Sales Team Access Level Default


Determines the default access level for an internal resource added to the sales team.

Internal Resource Sales Team Function Default


Determines the default function for an internal resource added to the sales team.

Opportunity Resource Deal Protection Period


Specifies the default number of days that territory resources are protected to stay on a deal, even if ineligible through territory realignment.

Partner Resource Sales Team Access Level Default

No Access

Determines the default access level for partner resources added to the opportunity sales team.

Partner Resource Sales Team Function Default


Determines the default function for partner resources added to the opportunity sales team.

Opportunity Searches

This table lists the profile options that affect opportunity searches.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Require Additional Criteria for Opportunity Search Enabled


Determines whether additional search criteria, other than close date, is required when you want your search to:

  • Extend across all opportunities

  • Rely on hierarchy rollups

Opportunity Number Search Enabled for Simplified UI


Enables opportunity search by Opportunity Number.

Opportunity Search Close Period Default

Current Fiscal Quarter

Specifies the default value displayed in the Close Period list of values in opportunity and revenue search.

Search Opportunity Filter Default

My Opportunities

Specifies the default value displayed in the table filter in revenue search.

Opportunity Search Context-Based Data Security Enabled


Enables improved performance of opportunity search.

Opportunity Search High Performance Data Security Wrapper Query Enabled


Enables SQL wrapper query on top of data security SQL predicates for improved performance of opportunity search. If disabled, the application uses underlying data security SQL predicates.

Opportunity Search Panel Collapsed


Enables a collapsed view of opportunity search panel by default. Set to No to make the expanded view the default view.

Opportunity Lists and Filters

This table lists the profile options that affect opportunity lists and filters.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Opportunity List Show Filter Default

My Open Opportunities

Specifies the default value for the Show filter in the opportunity list. Enter My Open Opportunities or My Sales Team Open Opportunities.

Opportunity List Time Period Default


Specifies the default time period in the opportunity list. Enter Quarter or Year to set the default to current quarter or current year, respectively.

All Open Opportunities List Enabled


Enables the opportunity list to show all open opportunities across all time periods.

Opportunity List Sort


Specifies how you want to sort opportunities. The default is to sort by Win Probability and Name. You can specify to sort by Last Updated Date or you can remove any form of sorting.

Sales Historical Snapshot Record Limit


Specifies the maximum number of records retained in the Sales historical snapshot tables.

Sales Historical Snapshot Configuration


Specifies the capture and retention settings for opportunity historical snapshots. C is the number of days to look backward at closed opportunities. D is for number of days, W is for number of weeks, M is for number of months, and Q is for number of quarters.

Opportunity Copy Mapping

This table lists the profile option used when copying opportunities.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Copy Opportunity Mapping

Copy Opportunity Map

Specify the mapping file name to use when copying an opportunity. The file is used to copy attributes and child objects when creating a copy of an existing opportunity.