Overview of Account Assignment Profile Options

The following profile options influence the behavior of sales account assignment:

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Assignment Rule for Account Territory Assignment


Specifies the assignment rule that defines the sales territory that's assigned to an account.

Account Types Enabled for Assignment


Enables one or more account types for territory assignment. Applicable types are Account Type standard lookup values. Use comma-delimited string for multiple values.

Sales Account Automatic Assignment on Import Enabled


Enables automatic territory based assignment after sales accounts are imported. If disabled, manually run a batch assignment or assign each sales account individually.

Disable updating Last Assign Date when there are no territory changes


Disables Stamping of Last Assign Date when there are no territory changes.

Sales Account Automatic Assignment on Create Enabled


Enables automatic territory based assignment processing after a sales account is created.

Sales Account Automatic Assignment on Update Enabled


Enables automatic territory based assignment processing after a sales account is updated.