Overview of Sales Quotas

You set annual quotas for your sales organization from the top down.

Effective top-down planning with bottom-up assessments ensures that quotas relate to corporate goals. After the sales plan is deployed for the year, sales executives can then monitor and track sales performance by comparing forecasts with sales and with quotas.


Here are some key features:

  • Assign territory quotas to territories and resource quotas to people.

  • Create sales goals such as number of sales calls.

  • Review quotas assigned to you by your senior manager and allocate quotas to your salespeople.

  • Compare quota to revenue, pipeline, forecast, and other metrics using business intelligence.

  • Use formulas to calculate territory quotas using measurements of historical data and future potential.

  • Add adjustments to your quota to cushion against attainment risk.

  • Track current quota achievement compared with quota targets.

  • Manage seasonal variations in sales by distributing the revenue quota among several calendar periods using seasonality guidance.

  • Send notification to Incentive Compensation with new and changed individual quota assignments for all sales goals.

  • Use a round trip export, update, import of quotas to add bulk quotas from spreadsheets.