Price Book Statuses

Price books have statuses, such as Draft or Active. The status of a price book determines what actions you can take on it.

Here are the price book statuses and additional details about the behavior of price books while in a specific status.



Additional Details


Indicates a price book that's not yet available for use.

  • Only price books in Draft status can be deleted.

  • Can be moved to Active status.


Indicates a price book that's available for use.

  • Can be updated to Expired status. Note you can't delete expired price books.

  • Can't be updated to Draft status.


Indicates a price book that's no longer available for use.

  • Cannot be moved to Draft status; therefore, can never be deleted.

Here are the transitions allowed for price book statuses. Price books start out as draft status, then move to active, and finally to expired.

Price book status transitions