Publish the Sales Catalog

After building your catalog, you must publish it. While your catalog may have many product group nodes, you must at least publish the root group.

After you publish the at least the root group, you enable the catalog by associating the root group with the Base usage. Find these steps in the topic, Make Your Sales Catalog Available for Use, available in the related links section.

Here's how to publish the root group:

  1. Lock the root product group and the remaining groups in your hierarchy that you want to make available to end users.

  2. Select the root group and click the Publish button.

    Caution: When you publish a node in the hierarchy, the application tries to also publish all of the locked product groups. So, if you have product groups in the application that you don't want published, be sure to unlock them so that they don't get published with the root and its subgroups.
  3. Click Yes in the Confirm Publish dialog box.

  4. Click OK on the confirmation message that's displayed.

  5. Click Save and Close.