Purge Inactive Data

When you delete a party record which can be a sales account, a sales contact, or sales households in your application, it becomes an inactive record. Inactive records may get accumulated in your application and you may want to purge them.

Purging inactive records helps helps you free space and comply with data protection regulations.

Note that only inactive records that are available in the sales context can be purged. For example, an inactive Partner record can't be purged because Partner isn’t related of Sales.

Only inactive and related merged sales accounts, sales contacts, and sales households which have no dual usage, or any additional usage (more than one usage) can be purged. Examples of inactive contacts, accounts, or households with dual usage are:
  • contact which is also a supplier contact
  • sales account which also has billing account usage
The following sales contact record types are supported:
The following sales account record types are supported:

Also, along with the purge of the inactive accounts, contacts, or households references of these purged records, such as identifier or name, are also removed in other applications like opportunities, leads, campaigns, territories, assets, deals, quotes, activities (tasks and appointments), notes, forecasts, business plans, and contracts. For these flows, purged accounts, contacts, or households don't appear on application pages, web service responses, and BI reports.

Merged records can be purged only when the master (survivor) party becomes inactive.

Purge account, contact, or household records in the following situations:
  • Purge Inactive sales accounts, contacts, or households to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
  • Cleanup data because incorrect data was created that's no longer needed.
  • In some rare cases, cleanup of data maybe required to improve performance of the application.

How You Enable Purging of Inactive Records

You use the two profile options to help you enable and manage purging of inactive records:

  • ORA_HZ_ENABLE_PURGE: This profile option enables purging of inactive records. By default, this profile option is enabled and is set to No.

  • ORA_HZ_PURGE_MIN_AGE: This profile option specifies the number of days after which inactive records can be purged. By default, the value of this profile option is 30 days.

You can enable these profile options by clicking the Setup and Maintenance area and going to the following:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

  • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

You must specify filter criteria to select the inactive records that you want to purge. The value of the profile ORA_HZ_PURGE_MIN_AGE is displayed as the Minimum Age on the Manage Party Purge Activities page and the default value of the Age By field on the Create Purge Filter page. Modify the value of the profile option ORA_HZ_PURGE_MIN_AGE to change the default value of the Age By field.

Create and Edit Filters and Purge

You must create a filter criterion to purge records. The records that are to be purged are selected based upon the filter criteria. So, you can't skip creating filters and proceed to purging records. You can either immediately purge the selected records or schedule the Purge Inactive Party Records scheduled process to purge inactive records later. You must create a filter criterion to purge records.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Party Purge Activities

    Note: The Purge Enabled field on Manage Party Purge Activities page indicates whether inactive records can be purged, and the Minimum Age field indicates the minimum number of days after which inactive records can be purged. Use the profile options discussed earlier in the topic to change these profile option values, if needed.
  2. Click Actions > Create to create a purge filter.

    You can click Actions > Edit to edit the existing filter criteria or click Actions > Remove to remove an existing filter.

  3. Specify the purge filter criteria or change the existing filter criteria as required.

    Note: You can't specify a number less than the number specified in the Age By field. If you want to reduce this Age By value, change the value of the profile option ORA_HZ_PURGE_MIN_AGE to a smaller number.
    Note: To purge records on the same day that they were deleted, specify Age By in the filter criteria and the value of the profile option ORA_HZ_PURGE_MIN_AGE as -1.
  4. Select the Enabled option to make the filter criterion available for filtering and purging records. If you don't select this option and continue to save the filter, the filter criteria is saved but isn't available to filter and purge records.

  5. Click Save and Close.

    The Final Result section displays the first 500 records that match your filter criteria.

  6. Click Purge to immediately purge all the records that currently match your filter criteria.

    Else, click Save and Close to save the filter criteria and purge the records in the next cycle of running the Purge Inactive Party Records scheduled process.

    Note: If you want to automatically purge records in the next cycle of running the scheduled process, the purged records may not be the same records that appeared in the preview section of the Manage Party Purge Activities page. The records purged are the ones that match the filter criteria when the scheduled process is run.