Sales Territory UIs for Different Uses

You have the option of using multiple UIs to manage sales territories. You can make changes to individual territory coverage and other adjustments in Workspace and in the Territories tab of the Territories work area. For creating territory hierarchies, you must use the Sales Territories Hierarchy tab of the Territories work area.

The Territories work area includes two tabs: a full-featured UI that's designed for setting up the territory hierarchy and a simpler UI that you can use for ongoing minor adjustments to territories after they're set up. Users can toggle between the two UIs by clicking the Territories and Sales Territories Hierarchy tabs on the left side of the Territories work area or in Workspace.

Screenshot of the two tab icons in the Territories work area: the Territories tab and the Sales Territories Hierarchy tab

Territories Tab for Making Changes to Individual Territories

When you open the Territories work area, the application displays the Territories tab. The tab is optimized for sales managers who want to make simple changes to individual territories, such as changing territory owners or minor tweaks in coverage.

Screen capture of the Territories landing page in the Territories tab. The page displays a list of sample territories.

On this tab, you can add any prospect accounts as named accounts in your sales territories. In the Sales Territory Hierarchy Tab, the prospect accounts you add must be part of an account hierarchy below a customer account.

Important: If you want to use add accounts of type prospect to sales territories, make sure that the profile option Account Types Enabled for Assignment (ZCA_ASSIGNMENT_ACCT_TYPE_ENABLED) is enabled for prospects by setting the profile to ZCA_CUSTOMER,ZCA_PROSPECT, see the topic Enable Prospects for Inclusion in Sales Territories.

Sales Territories Hierarchy Tab for Building Your Sales Territory Hierarchy

To build sales territory hierarchies, you use the Sales Territory Hierarchies tab. On the Sales Territories Hierarchy tab, territory setup is done not on live territories, but in a proposal that you must activate after your setup is complete. Proposals make it possible to make territory revisions without affecting live territories and to create different versions to be used at different times.

Here's a screenshot of the Active Territories page on the tab. The callouts highlight and describe different features on the page.

Callout Number

Feature Description


The left pane of the Active Territories page displays the active territories as a collapsible hierarchy.


Selecting a territory, displays territory details at the bottom of the page.


Using the Manage Proposals button, you can create territory proposals with your territory changes.


The Show Dimensions,Hide Dimensions button lets you toggle the display of dimension details in the list of active territories.

Screen capture of the partial Active Territories page in the More Details UI showing sample data. Regions described in the previous table are highlighted by callouts.

Differences Between the Two UIs

Here are the major differences between what you can do in the two UIs. Whichever UI you're using to make your territory changes, your records aren't reassigned until the appropriate assignment process runs.


Sales Territory Hierarchies Tab

Territories Tab

Changing a territory owner or member

Your changes aren't effective until you activate the proposal.

Your changes take effect immediately.

Making changes without immediately effecting live territories

You create territories in a territory proposal that isolates your changes from existing active territories until you activate. You can even decide to create different proposals to go live in the future, to account for seasonal sales demands, for example.

Territory proposals aren't available. Changes you make to territories are immediate.

Inheriting the properties of parent territories

When you create child territories in both UIs, the child territories automatically inherit the properties and coverage of the parent territories. In the Sales Territory Hierarchies Tab, you can also link territories so that any subsequent change in coverage for the parent territory is automatically reflected in the linked territory.

At creation, the child territories automatically inherit the properties and coverage of the parent territories. However, in the Territories tab UI, you can't link the territories to make subsequent coverage changes reflected automatically.

Include prospect accounts in sales territories as named accounts. You can only add prospect accounts that are part of an account hierarchy and below an account of type customer. You can add any prospect account to a territory.

How You Can Make the Sales Territory Hierarchies UI the Default and Only UI

By default, users can toggle between both UIs using the tabs. You can make the Sales Territory Hierarchies UI the default UI and remove the tab controls. To change the defaults, all you have to do is set the system profile option Default to Territory Classic Interface (MOT_DEFAULT_CLASSIC_INTERFACE) to Yes. The setting, which is made at the site level, affects all users. You can edit the system profile value option from the Setup and Maintenance work area using the following:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

  • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

Use Workspace for Resolving Territory Gaps and Overlap Issues

Managers who need to resolve territory gaps and overlap issues in existing territories, can also use Workspace. Both Workspace and the Territories work area let you search for territories not only by salespeople but also by dimension coverage details, such as included accounts, products, or geographies. The territories features in Workspace are the same as in the Territories tab in the Territories work area. What Workspace doesn't have is the ability to create and manage hierarchies. For that you must go to the Territories work area.

Sales territories displayed in Workspace.