Set the Actionable Infolet Personalization Enabled Profile Option

Sometimes salespeople want to modify the default settings and personalize their actionable infolets so that they can set up their own filters and modify how they want to display the details of the records.

Here's how to enable users to personalize actionable infolets:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. In the search region of the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter the profile option code name ZBS_ENABLE_ACTIONABLE_INFOLET_PERSONALIZATION in the Profile Option Code field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the list that's returned, click on the profile option code link.

  5. Set the profile option value to Yes.

  6. Click Save and Close.