Territory Import Approaches

You have flexible options for updating territories either incrementally with updates and deletions or with full territory definitions. You can also use the territory proposal feature to group together updates and activate them only when ready. Here are some approaches you can take.

  • Update active territories

    • Proposals aren't used

    • Make incremental territory changes:

      • In the sales territory import file: enter rows for each territory with an updated owner or details such as type or function

      • In the sales territory resource file: enter rows for each territory team member to be added or removed

      • In the sales territory coverage file: enter rows for each territory customer inclusion to be added, or postal code to be removed

      For examples, see these topics:

      • Change Active Territory Coverage Using Export and Import Management

      • Change an Active Territory Owner Using Export and Import Management

      • Add Customer Inclusions Using Import Management

      • Remove Customer Inclusions Using Import Management

  • Update territories in a proposal where the original territory definition is included in the proposal

    • Add territories to be updated to a proposal

    • Make incremental updates only. For example, only dimension members to be removed or team members to be added are included in the import files

    • Use the unique territory numbers of the territories within the proposal in the import files

    • Activate the proposal after import

    See the Update Territories with a Proposal Using Export and Import topic for an example.

  • Import territories to a new proposal

    • Create a new territory proposal. Don't add territories to the proposal. The import process doesn't create a proposal for you.

    • You import the full territory definition. For example, the sales territory, sales territory team, sales territory coverage, sales territory line of business import files contain the complete definition of the territory

    • Include the proposal number when creating a new territory to be part of a proposal. It's a good idea to set the unique territory number to a combination of the territory number and the proposal number.

    • Activate the proposal after import

    See the Update and Create Territories Using a New Proposal topic for an example.

  • Create and delete territories in a hierarchy. See these example topics:

    • Create an Active Territory Hierarchy Using Import

    • Delete an Active Parent Territory Using Import Management

    • Create Parent and Child Territories With a Proposal Using Import

  • Use import templates to group import files

    See the Import Territories Using a Template topic for an example.