Territory Quota Formulas

You can use territory quota formulas as default territory quota amounts in the sales quota plan. They calculate territory quota based on historical sales information and metrics such as forecasts and market potential.

You can change parameters for formulas and set each formula to active or inactive. The formulas execute a Multidimensional Expressions query on the territories Oracle Essbase cube.

Predefined Formulas

Here are a few of the predefined territory quota formulas with examples:

  • Scale a measure from a past period by a percentage

    Total the amounts for a selected measure for the past selected year. Calculate the stated percentage of the total and add it to the total.

    For example, 110 percent of closed bookings for the prior fiscal year.

  • Percentage change in a measure value over 2 consecutive periods

    Subtract the total amounts for a selected measure for one year from the total amounts for the subsequent year. Divide the difference by the total of the first year to determine the percentage of change. Calculate the percentage of the total value of the second year and add the result to the year's total.

    For example, closed bookings for 2019 minus closed bookings for 2083 divided by 2018 total gives the rate of change as 8 percent. Calculated quotas are 108 percent of the 2019 closed bookings.

  • Percentage change in a measure value over 2 named time periods (current and past)

    Subtract the total amounts for a selected measure for a selected year from the total amounts for the current year. Divide the difference by the total of the earlier year to determine the percentage of change. Calculate the percentage of the total value of the current year and add the result to the year's total.

    For example, closed bookings for 2018 minus closed bookings for 2011 divided by 2011 total gives the rate of change as 7 percent. Calculated quotas are 107 percent of the 2018 closed bookings.

How To Create Formulas

Use the Essbase MDX Script Editor to create your own territory quota formulas. When you define a formula that includes a metric, use a parameter for the metric name, rather than defining the metric name as part of the formula expression.

For more information about MDX functions and queries, see Oracle Cloud Technical Reference for Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase.