Use Access Groups to Secure Products and Product Groups

Predefined access group rules provide your users with global access to products and product group data, but you can configure this access for different groups of users. Let's say you only want sales managers to be able to update products or product groups.

Let's say you only want sales managers to be able to update products or product groups. You set up an access group with update privileges just for those users.

Here are the high-level steps:

  1. Plan out the different access levels needed for your users. For example, determine what access level to give only to your sales managers.

  2. Create one or many access groups for the different access levels you want your users to have.

  3. Assign resources to each group. For example, assign your sales managers to a new "product groups" group.

  4. For each group, create object sharing rules to specify the access levels.

  5. Publish the rules and run a scheduled process to apply the access to group members.

For complete steps, see the related topics.