Work with Sales Promotions

Use the procedures in this topic as you create and maintain sales promotions.

This topic covers:

  • Viewing a list of sales promotions: This task includes searching and filtering.

  • Creating promotions: This task includes entering promotions basic information.

  • Editing promotions: This task includes modifying the details of promotions.

  • Copying promotions: This task includes copying a promotion so that you can repurpose it.

  • Deleting promotions.

Note: You don't need to do anything to set up promotions. However, to leverage promotions, you must modify the applications where you're going to use them.

View the Promotions List

To view a list of promotions, navigate to Sales > Promotions.

In the landing (or list) page, you can:

  • Search for promotions.

  • Filter the view between promotion statuses, such as active or inactive.

Create and Edit Promotions

Creating promotions includes entering basic information, such as name and status, and saving the promotion for the first time. In edit mode you enter more details, such as the type of discount and the discount value.

Here's how to create and edit a new sales promotion.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Promotions.

  2. Click the Create Promotion button.

  3. In the Create Promotion page, enter a unique name in theName field.

  4. Optionally, enter a description and start and end dates.

  5. Click Save and Continue to save the promotion and begin entering additional details. The page refreshes and becomes the Edit Promotion page.

    Note: At this point you can copy the promotion or delete it.
  6. In the Status field, select the status of the promotion. Inactive promotions aren't available in consuming applications.

  7. In the Type field, select the adjustment type. The type can be either:

    • Fixed amount: Select Line Discount Amount.

    • Percentage: Select Line Discount Percent.

  8. In the Apply To field, select whether the discount should apply to:

    • List Price: List price is the advertised, published or sticker price on a product being marketed to a business or consumer buyer.

    • Net Price: Net price is the actual price paid once any discounts are taken off the list price.

  9. In the Value field, enter an amount. The amount is either the percentage of the discount or a fixed amount, depending on which type of adjustment you selected in the Type field.

Copy Promotions

To repurpose existing promotions, you can copy them any time after saving them.

Here's how:

  1. Navigate to Sales > Promotions.

  2. Select the name of a promotion in the list.

  3. In the Edit Promotions page, from the Actions menu, select Copy Promotion.

  4. In the Copy Promotion page, in the Name field, enter a new, unique name.

  5. Click the Save and Continue button.

    The Edit Promotion page appears, where you can edit the details of the promotion. See the Create and Edit Promotions section in this topic for more information.

Delete Promotions

To delete a promotion:

  1. Navigate to Sales > Promotions.

  2. Select the name of a promotion in the list.

  3. In the Edit Promotion page, from the Actions menu, select Delete Promotion.

  4. Click Yes in the warning message window.