Customer Service Manager (Job Role)

Manages a group of Customer Service Representatives, and would monitor the incoming call volume into the customer service department, perhaps balancing loads and reassigning work when call volume is high. This individual would monitor incoming business, and manage the demand flow to the fulfillment area. May also need to respond to escalations.

Role Hierarchy

The Customer Service Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Customer Service Manager
    • Access Groups Enablement

    • Conversation Message Management

    • Interview Definition Authoring

    • Interview Definition Managing

    • Interview Definition Publishing

    • Interview Definition Viewing

    • Knowledge Home for Service

    • Loyalty Member Services

    • Loyalty Service Manager

    • Read CRM documents on content server

    • Resource
      • Access Groups Enablement

      • Use User Details Service

    • Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

    • Service Profile Management

    • Service Request Power User

    • Service Sales Party Management

    • Upload data for Standard Text Folders Import

    • Upload data for Standard Text Import

    • Upload data for Standard Text Variable Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Customer Service Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Access Groups Enablement

Enables the Access Groups functionality.

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Managing

Manage access for deleting and forcing checkout of Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Viewing

Manage access for viewing Interview definitions.

Knowledge Home for Service

Knowledge Home duty role strictly for service access

Loyalty Member Services

Manages all aspects of a Loyalty Member and Transaction

Loyalty Service Manager

Provides read only access to all aspects of a Loyalty Program and Promotion

Read CRM documents on content server

Allows to read CRM documents from content server repository.

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Upload data for Standard Text Folders Import

Allows to upload data file to import Standard Text Folders related data.

Upload data for Standard Text Import

Allows to upload data file to import Standard Text related data.

Upload data for Standard Text Variable Import

Allows to upload data file to import Standard Text Variable related data.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Customer Service Manager job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use User Details Service

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Customer Service Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

Manage Outbound Message

Allows a user to create, update, delete and view outbound messages.

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

Participate in Collaboration Conversation

Allows a user to participate in a collaboration conversation.

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

Participate in Customer Conversation

Allows a user to participate in a customer conversation.

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

Use REST Service to View All Workers

Allows the user to view all workers using REST API.

Conversation Message Management

Has basic conversation message management capabilities such as create messages and reply to messages. Would not be able to change a reply to ready to send status or delete a message.

View Conversation Message

Allows a user to view a conversation message.

Customer Service Manager

Manages a group of Customer Service Representatives, and would monitor the incoming call volume into the customer service department, perhaps balancing loads and reassigning work when call volume is high. This individual would monitor incoming business, and manage the demand flow to the fulfillment area. May also need to respond to escalations.

Export Workspace Data

Allows users to export data in Workspace

Customer Service Manager

Manages a group of Customer Service Representatives, and would monitor the incoming call volume into the customer service department, perhaps balancing loads and reassigning work when call volume is high. This individual would monitor incoming business, and manage the demand flow to the fulfillment area. May also need to respond to escalations.

View Smart Actions

Allows read and view access to Smart Actions Framework data.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Check-in Interview Definitions

Allow access to check-in Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Check-out Interview Definitions

Allow access to check-out Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Copy Interview Definitions

Allow access to copy Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Create Interview Definitions

Allow access to create Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Update Interview Definitions

Allow access to update Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Managing

Manage access for deleting and forcing checkout of Interview definitions.

Change Interview Definition Owner

Allow access to change the owner of Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Managing

Manage access for deleting and forcing checkout of Interview definitions.

Delete Interview Definitions

Allow access to delete Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Managing

Manage access for deleting and forcing checkout of Interview definitions.

Force Checkout Interview Definitions

Allow access to force checkout Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Publish Interview Definitions

Allow access to publish Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Unpublish Interview Definitions

Allow access to unpublish Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Viewing

Manage access for viewing Interview definitions.

View Interview Definitions

Allow access to view the Interviews menu item and Interviews page.

Knowledge Home for Service

Knowledge Home duty role strictly for service access

Access Knowledge Home in Service

Allow accessing Knowledge Home under Service.

Knowledge Home for Service

Knowledge Home duty role strictly for service access

Use REST Service to View Products

Allows viewing product data using REST API

Loyalty Member Services

Manages all aspects of a Loyalty Member and Transaction

Manage Member

Allow User to view, Create, Edit, Delete Member

Loyalty Member Services

Manages all aspects of a Loyalty Member and Transaction

Manage Transaction

Allows View, create, update and delete of Transactions

Loyalty Service Manager

Provides read only access to all aspects of a Loyalty Program and Promotion

View Loyalty Promotion

Allow User to view all aspects of Loyalty Promotion including the promotion rules

Loyalty Service Manager

Provides read only access to all aspects of a Loyalty Program and Promotion

View Program

Allows User to view all aspects of a Loyalty Program


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows specification of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Email

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the specification of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Person Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Allows the addition of a resource to their social network.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Allows emailing, calling, and instant messenging a resource. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Correct Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Correct Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Allows the update of resource profile information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource profile.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Enter Trading Community Organization Information

Allows the specification of organization information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Enter Trading Community Person

Allows the specification of person information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Enter Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Location

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Addresses

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Contact Points

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Contact Preferences

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the export of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Addresses

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Contact Points

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Contact Preferences

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Export Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the export of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Application Tree Label

Manage application tree labels


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Organization Attachments

Allows the specification of attachments, such as documents, with an organization.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Organization Interactions

Allows the specification of interactions for an organization.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Organization Notes

Allows the entry of organization notes.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Person Attachments

Allows the specification of how attachments like pictures can be associated with a person.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Person Interactions

Allows the specification of interactions for a person.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Person Notes

Allows the entry of person notes.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Allows management of talent profile for a person.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Addresses

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Attachments

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Classifications

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Contact Points

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Contact Preferences

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Details

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Identifiers

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Interactions

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Names

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Notes

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Relationships

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Source System Mappings

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Group Tasks

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Allows the assignment of usages to an organization. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization usage assignment.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Person Source System Mapping

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Allows the specification of party usage assignment to a person. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person usage assignment.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Allows the management of resource addresses. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource address.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Allows the management of resource contact information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource contact information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Allows the specification of resource notes. If assigning also assign the ability to view the trading community resource note.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Allows the management of resource skills information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource skills.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Allows the management of a resource social network. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource social network.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Move Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Move Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the removal of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Email

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the removal of person relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Remove Trading Community Person Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Organization Relationship

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Email

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the restoration of inactive person relationships.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Restore Trading Community Person Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the search of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Classification

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Contact Point

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the search of person relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Resource

Allows the search of resources.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

Allows the search of resource organization hierarchies. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource organization hierarchies.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Search Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the search of resource teams. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Select Trading Community Organization Address as Primary for a Purpose

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Select Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility as Primary

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Select Trading Community Organization Contact as Primary

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Select Trading Community Person Address as Primary for a Purpose

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Submit Organization Merge Request

Allows the submission of organization merge requests.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Submit Person Merge Request

Allows the submission of person merge requests.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person

Allows the update of person information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Email

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Instant Messenger

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Phone

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the update of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Update Trading Community Person Web Page

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

Allows the upload of resource pictures. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows viewing organization relationships.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

Allows viewing sales, marketing, and partner organization members.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of person details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Address

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Contact Points

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows viewing of person relationship information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Source System Mapping

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Not Available


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Address

Allows viewing of resource addresses. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

Allows viewing of resource social network information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Allows viewing of resource contact information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Details

Allows viewing of resource basic information, such as name, primary phone, primary address, and primary e-mail.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Note

Allows viewing of resource notes. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization membership information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

Allows viewing of organization hierarchies for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Allows viewing of organization hierarchies for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

Allows viewing of organization hierarchy structures for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner team membership information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization usage information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Allows viewing of an overview for partner, marketing, and sales organization transaction information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Profile

Allows viewing of resource profile information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Allows viewing of resource role assignments. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Allows viewing of salesperson setup information, such as sales credits.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Skills

Allows viewing of resource skills information, such as language, competencies, and product expertise. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

Allows viewing of a resource's social network.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Team

Allows viewing of resource team information.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Team Details

Allows viewing of resource team details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Team Members

Allows viewing of resource team members.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Allows viewing of resource team memberships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.


Identifies the person as front office personnel.

View Trading Community Resource Team Usages

Allows viewing of resource team usages.

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Account Change History

Allows viewing of account change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Activity Change History

Allows viewing of activity change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Contact Change History

Allows viewing of contact change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Household Change History

Allows viewing of household change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Lead Change History

Allows viewing of lead change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Opportunity Change History

Allows viewing of opportunity change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Queue Audit History

Allows user to view queue audit history.

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Service Request Change History

Allows viewing of service request change history

Sales Change History Inquiry for Service

View change history of sales and service business objects for members within the service organization.

View Work Order Change History

Allows viewing of work order change history

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Create Service Profile

Allows the user to create a new service profile.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Edit Service Profile Technician Access Schedule

Allows editing of a technician access schedule on the service profile.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Edit Service Profile Technician Preferences

Allows editing of a technician preference.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Edit Work Order Technician Access Schedule

Allows editing of a technician access schedule on the work order.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

Update Service Profile

Allows the user to update an existing service profile.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

View Service Profile

Allows viewing of service profiles.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

View Technician Access Schedules

Allows viewing of a technician access schedules.

Service Profile Management

Manages all aspects of a service profile. Cannot delete service profiles.

View Technician Preferences

Allows viewing of a technician preference.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Access Co-browse Feature

Allows launching and usage of Co-browse functionality.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Access Feed View

Allows access to view feeds.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Access Mobile CRM

Functional privilege providing access to CRM data using mobile applications

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Access Partner Media Toolbar

Allows access to the partner media toolbar

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Add Attachment

Allows adding an attachment to a SR or SR Message. This privilege will also allow the user to delete an attachment from the SR.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Assign Service Request

Allows manual assigning of service request to a resource

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Assign Service Request to Queue

Allows manual assigning of service request to a service queue.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Cancel Service Work Order

Allows canceling of a service work order.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Compose Customer Message

Allows composing a customer message for a SR

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Compose Internal Note

Allows composing an internal note for a SR

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Compose Response

Allows composing a Response for a SR

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Configure CX Service Dashboard

Allows the user to create, update and delete custom CX service infolets. The out of the box application defined infolets cannot be edited or deleted.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Action Plan

Allows creation of an Action Plan.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Activity

Allows creating activities.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Article

Not Available

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Customer Assets by Service

Allows creation of customer assets, related configurations and structures.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create IoT Registration Request

Allows submitting a request to register a device or asset with the IoT cloud

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Knowledge Tasks

Allows users to suggest improvements to knowledge articles.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Object Link

Allows the user to create an object link.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Service Request

Allows creation of a service request

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Service Work Order

Allows creation of a service work order.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Create Tag

Allows the user to create tags.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Delete Activity

Allows deleting activities.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Delete Object Link

Allows the user to delete an object link.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Delete Service Request Attachment

Allows deleting an attachment from an SR or SR message.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Download Attachment of an SR or SR Message

Allows downloading an attachment of an SR or SR Message.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Edit Action Plan

Allows edit of an Action Plan.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Edit Service Request

Allows editing of a service request

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Edit Service Work Order

Allows editing of a service work order.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Edit Work Order Technician Access Schedule

Allows editing of a technician access schedule on the work order.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Forward Service Request

Allows forwarding a SR

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Get Customer Assets by Service

Allows query of customer assets using a service.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Get Service Request Follow Notifications

Allows the user to get notifications when they follow a service request.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Depot Repair Order Details

Allows the user to manage depot repair order details.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Express Report Definitions

Allows creation, modification and deletion of Express Report Definitions

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Inbound Message

Allows create, update, delete and view of inbound messages

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Installed Base Assets

Allows creation and editing of installed Base assets.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Inventory Reservation and Picks

Allows management of inventory reservations and picks.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Notification Preferences

Allows management of notification preferences.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Omnichannel Presence and Availability

Allows management of the omnichannel availability for new work, presence menu and indicator.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Outbound Message

Allows a user to create, update, delete and view outbound messages.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Part Orders

Allows creating and managing part orders for a work order and service request.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage SR Contacts

Allows adding/removing a contact from a service request.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage SR Team Member

Allows adding/removing a team member to a SR

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Service Queues

Allows management of service queues and queue memberships.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Signature

Allows the user to create or update a personal signature.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage SmartText

Allows creation, update and delete of a SmartText.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Social Post

Allows create, update, delete and view of social posts

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Manage Work Order Debrief and Estimates

Allows the user to manage work order debrief and estimates.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Open Objects in Dynamic Tabs

Allows user to open objects in a dynamic/nested tab of the interactive workspace.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Open Objects in Dynamic Tabs for FSCM

Allows user to open objects in a dynamic or nested tab of the interactive workspace. Applicable only to CRM.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Open Objects in Dynamic Tabs for HCM

Allows user to open objects in a dynamic or nested tab of the interactive workspace. Applicable only to CRM.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Override Part Order Pricing

Allows the user to manually override the part order price.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Personalize Analytics Dashboard Display

Allows create, update and delete of custom CX service infolets. Also, allows show/hide and rearrange the display order of the infolets.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Personalize CX Service Dashboard

Allows the user to show/hide and rearrange the display order of the CX service infolets.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Publish SmartText

Allows scope of SmartText to be set to GLOBAL so that all users can view/use it.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Receive Browser Notifications

Allows users to receive browser notifications from the notification framework. If notifications have links to objects, you will need appropriate privilege to view the object.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Reschedule Service Work Order

Allows rescheduling of a service work order.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Update Activity

Allows editing activities.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Update Customer Assets by Service

Allows update of customer assets, related configurations and structures.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Update Primary Contact

Allows manual update of Primary Contact field.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Update Service Request Business Unit

Allows updating the business unit on the service request.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Use Live Experience Agent Recording and Playback Features

Allows the use of live experience recording download and playback features.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Use Location Service

Allows use of the location service

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

Use SmartText

Allows using SmartText.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Action Plan

Allows viewing of an Action Plan.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Action Plan Process

Allows a user to view the process details in an action plan.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Activity

Allows viewing activities.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Attachment

Allows viewing attachments on a SR or SR Message

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Chat Transcript

Allows the user to view chat transcripts.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View DLM Policies

Allows viewing of DLM policies.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Express Report Definitions

Allows viewing of Express Report Definitions

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Express Report Types

Allows viewing of Express Report Types

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Installed Base Assets

Allows viewing the installed Base assets.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Installed Base Assets Landing Page

Allows viewing the installed base assets landing page.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Interactions

Allows viewing of interactions history.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Knowledge within Service Request

Allows viewing of knowledge base components within the service request UI.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Named Routes

Allows viewing and grouping all functional navigation flows across channels into a single name

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Navigator Menu

Allows viewing navigator metadata information

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Object Link

Allows the user to view an object link.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Partner

Allows viewing a list of partners from the partner work area.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Partner Profile

Allows viewing the partner profile.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Resource Capacities

Allows the user to view a resource's capacities.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Self Service Registrations

Allows viewing of self service registration requests.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Self Service Roles

Allows viewing self service roles.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Sensing Agent

Allows access to the sensingAgent REST service for the Oracle Assistant component embedded in Oracle Inside Sales application

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Center

Allows viewing of Service Center.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Manager Dashboard

Allows viewing of the service manager dashboard. The dashboard contains analytical reports on service objects.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Manager Dashboard for FSCM

Allows viewing of the service manager dashboard. The dashboard contains analytical reports on service objects. Applicable only to CRM.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Manager Dashboard for HCM

Allows viewing of the service manager dashboard. The dashboard contains analytical reports on service objects. Applicable only to CRM.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Profile

Allows viewing of service profiles.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Request

Allows viewing of service request(s).

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Request Activities

Allows viewing of service request activities tab and its contents.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Request Audit History

Allows viewing of service request audit history.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Request Team

Allows viewing of service request team tab and its contents.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Work Order

Allows viewing of service work order(s).

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Service Work Order Audit History

Allows viewing of service work order audit history.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Smart Actions

Allows read and view access to Smart Actions Framework data.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Subscription Entitlements

Change the subscription user status

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Survey Integration Framework Template

Allows the user to view the survey integration framework template and its details.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Survey Requests

Allows the user to view survey requests.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Technician Access Schedules

Allows viewing of a technician access schedules.

Service Request Power User

Advanced Service Request management capabilities not available to Service Representatives

View Technician Preferences

Allows viewing of a technician preference.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Asset

Allows create new assets

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Group

Allows creating a sales group

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Group Members

Allows creating a sales group members

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Appointment

Allows creating a sales party appointment.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Contact

Allows creating a sales party contact.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Interaction

Allows creating sales party interactions.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Note

Allows creating sales party notes.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Relationship

Allows creating sales party relationships to other parties.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Create Sales Party Task

Allows creating sales party tasks.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Asset

Allows delete assets

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Group Members

Allows deleting a sales group members

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Party Appointment

Allows deleting sales party appointments.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Party Contact

Allows deleting sales party contacts.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Party Interaction

Allows deleting sales party interaction records.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Party Note

Allows deleting sales party notes.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Delete Sales Party Task

Allows deleting sales party tasks.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Edit Asset

Allows edit existing assets

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Account Enrichment

Allows enrichment of accounts using social data and insight service.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Address

Allows managing the primary or multiple addresses of an account

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Contact Enrichment

Allows enrichment of contacts using social data and insight service.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Original System References

Allows OSR create/update/delete capability

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Sales Organization Hierarchy

Allows update to Organization Hierarchy (Account Hierarchy)

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Sales Party Classifications

Allows creation and maintenance of sales party classification.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Allows creation and maintenance of the sales party contact hierarchy.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Manage Sales Party Team

Allows managing the sales party team

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Group

Allows updating a sales group

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Group Members

Allows updating a sales group members

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Organization

Allows updating the sales organization.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Party Appointment

Allows updating the sales party appointments.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Party Contact

Allows updating the sales party contacts.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Party Interaction

Allows updating of sales party interaction data.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Party Note

Allows updating of sales party notes data.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

Update Sales Party Task

Allows updating of sales party task data.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Address

Allows viewing the primary or multiple addresses of an account

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Assets

Allows view assets

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Billing Account

Allows viewing of the sales party billing accounts.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Consumer

Allows viewing of consumers.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Favorite Accounts

Allows viewing of the favorite account tab in customer picker

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Original System Reference

Allows viewing OSR information for a Sales Account

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Account Team

Allows viewing of the sales account team information.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Group

Allows viewing a sales group

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Group Members

Allows viewing a sales group members

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Organization

Allows viewing of the sales organization.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Organization Hierarchy

Allows viewing Organization Hierarchy (Account Hierarchy)

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party

Allows viewing of sales party information.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Analytics

Allows viewing of sales party analytics.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Appointment

Allows viewing of sales party appointments.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Assessment

Allows viewing of sales party assessments.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Classifications

Allows viewing of sales party classifications.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Contact

Allows viewing of sales party contact information.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Contact Hierarchy

Allows viewing of the sales party contact hierarchy.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Hierarchy

Allows viewing of the sales party hierarchy.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Note

Allows viewing of the sales party notes.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Relationship

Allows viewing a sales party relationships to other parties.

Service Sales Party Management

Can create Service Requests and help with resolution of the Service Request. Has basic Service Request management capabilities.

View Sales Party Team

Allows viewing the sales party team

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Customer Service Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation


A Customer Service Manager can delete activity a member of an access group associated to the activity with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Activity (Data)

Resource: Activity


A Customer Service Manager can update activity a member of an access group associated to the activity with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Activity (Data)

Resource: Activity


A Customer Service Manager can view activity a member of an access group associated to the activity

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Activity (Data)

Resource: Activity

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Service Manager can delete application attachment for all service categories that are visible to internal users

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Service Manager can read application attachment for all service categories that are visible to internal users

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Customer Service Manager can update application attachment for all service categories that are visible to internal users

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

CRM Asset

A Customer Service Manager can delete asset a member of an access group associated to the asset with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Asset (Data)

Resource: CRM Asset

CRM Asset

A Customer Service Manager can update asset a member of an access group associated to the asset with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Asset (Data)

Resource: CRM Asset

CRM Asset

A Customer Service Manager can view asset a member of an access group associated to the asset

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Asset (Data)

Resource: CRM Asset


A Customer Service Manager can delete case header a member of an access group associated to the case with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Case Header (Data)

Resource: Cases


A Customer Service Manager can update case header a member of an access group associated to the case with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Case Header (Data)

Resource: Cases


A Customer Service Manager can view case header a member of an access group associated to the case

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Case Header (Data)

Resource: Cases


A Customer Service Manager can delete conversation a member of an access group associated to the conversation with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Conversation (Data)

Resource: Conversation


A Customer Service Manager can manage conversation for all crm conversations

Role: Customer Service Manager

Privilege: Manage Conversation (Data)

Resource: Conversation


A Customer Service Manager can update conversation a member of an access group associated to the conversation with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Conversation (Data)

Resource: Conversation


A Customer Service Manager can view conversation a member of an access group associated to the conversation

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Conversation (Data)

Resource: Conversation

Conversation Message

A Customer Service Manager can delete conversation message a member of an access group associated to the conversation message with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Conversation Message (Data)

Resource: Conversation Message

Conversation Message

A Customer Service Manager can manage conversation message for all crm collaboration messages

Role: Customer Service Manager

Privilege: Manage Conversation Message (Data)

Resource: Conversation Message

Conversation Message

A Customer Service Manager can update conversation message a member of an access group associated to the conversation message with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Conversation Message (Data)

Resource: Conversation Message

Conversation Message

A Customer Service Manager can view conversation message a member of an access group associated to the conversation message

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Conversation Message (Data)

Resource: Conversation Message

Deal Registration Product

A Customer Service Manager can manage deal registration product a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Deal Registration Product (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Product

Deal Registration Product

A Customer Service Manager can view deal registration product a member of an access group associated to the deal registration

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Deal Registration Product (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Product

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration approval details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update or full access and deal is in pending approval status

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Approval Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration deal details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Deal Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration deal details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update access and deal is in draft, returned or withdrawn status

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Deal Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration opportunity details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Opportunity Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration opportunity details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update access and deal is in pending approval or approved status

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Opportunity Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can update deal registration partner details a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update access and deal is in draft, returned or withdrawn status and the deal is created by an internal user

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Deal Registration Partner Details (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Summary

A Customer Service Manager can view deal registration a member of an access group associated to the deal registration

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Deal Registration (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Summary

Deal Registration Team

A Customer Service Manager can manage deal registration team a member of an access group associated to the deal registration with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Deal Registration Team (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Team

Deal Registration Team

A Customer Service Manager can view deal registration team a member of an access group associated to the deal registration

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Deal Registration Team (Data)

Resource: Deal Registration Team

Express Report Definitions

A Customer Service Manager can delete express report access the express reports for table zca_srt_report_def as a member of an access group associated to express reporting with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Express Report (Data)

Resource: Express Report Definitions

Express Report Definitions

A Customer Service Manager can update express report access the express reports for table zca_srt_report_def as a member of an access group associated to express reporting with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Express Report (Data)

Resource: Express Report Definitions

Express Report Definitions

A Customer Service Manager can view express report access the express reports for table zca_srt_report_def as a member of an access group associated to express reporting

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Express Report (Data)

Resource: Express Report Definitions

Field Service Work Order

A Customer Service Manager can delete field service work order a member of an access group associated to the field service work order with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Field Service Work Order (Data)

Resource: Field Service Work Order

Field Service Work Order

A Customer Service Manager can manage field service work order where the field service work order is standalone or associated with a service request

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Field Service Work Order (Data)

Resource: Field Service Work Order

Field Service Work Order

A Customer Service Manager can update field service work order a member of an access group associated to the field service work order with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Field Service Work Order (Data)

Resource: Field Service Work Order

Field Service Work Order

A Customer Service Manager can view field service work order a member of an access group associated to the field service work order

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Field Service Work Order (Data)

Resource: Field Service Work Order

File Import Activity

A Customer Service Manager can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for service request power user

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Activity

A Customer Service Manager can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for service request power user

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Mapping

A Customer Service Manager can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for service request power user

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: File Import Mapping

Inbound Message Detail

A Customer Service Manager can manage inbound message for all inbound messages sent to a customer relationship management channel

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Inbound Message (Data)

Resource: Inbound Message Detail

Installed Base Asset

A Customer Service Manager can manage installed base asset for all installed base assets

Role: Customer Service Manager

Privilege: Manage Installed Base Asset (Data)

Resource: Installed Base Asset

Inventory Reservation

A Customer Service Manager can manage inventory reservation for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Inventory Reservation (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Knowledge Departments

A Customer Service Manager can access content with department the service department

Role: Knowledge Home for Service

Privilege: Access Content with Department

Resource: Knowledge Departments

Knowledge Departments

A Customer Service Manager can access knowledge departments the service department

Role: Customer Service Manager

Privilege: Access Content with Department

Resource: Knowledge Departments

Knowledge User groups

A Customer Service Manager can access knowledge user groups access to internal service user group

Role: Customer Service Manager

Privilege: Access Content with User Group

Resource: Knowledge User groups


A Customer Service Manager can manage location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Customer Service Manager can manage location for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Loyalty Member

A Customer Service Manager can manage member all members in the enterprise

Role: Loyalty Member Services

Privilege: Manage Member (Data)

Resource: Loyalty Member

Loyalty Transaction

A Customer Service Manager can manage transaction all loyalty transactions in the enterprise.

Role: Loyalty Member Services

Privilege: Manage Transaction (Data)

Resource: Loyalty Transaction

MDF Budget

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing budget a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget with delete access and budget status is draft

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget

MDF Budget

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing budget a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget

MDF Budget

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing budget a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Budget (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget

MDF Budget Team

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing budget team a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget Team

MDF Budget Team

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing budget team a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget Team

MDF Budget Team

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing budget team a member of an access group associated to the mdf budget

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Budget Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Budget Team

MDF Claim

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing claim a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with delete or full access and the claim status is draft

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim

MDF Claim

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim approval details a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update or full access and the claim status is pending approval

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Approval Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim

MDF Claim

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim details a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update or full access and the claim status is draft, returned, failed or withdrawn

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim

MDF Claim

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim partner details a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update or full access and the claim status is draft, returned, failed or withdrawn

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Partner Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim

MDF Claim

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing claim a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Claim (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim

MDF Claim Settlement

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing claim settlement a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Settlement (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Settlement

MDF Claim Settlement

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim settlement a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Settlement (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Settlement

MDF Claim Settlement

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim settlement details a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Settlement Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Settlement

MDF Claim Settlement

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing claim settlement a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Settlement (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Settlement

MDF Claim Team

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing claim team a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Claim Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Team

MDF Claim Team

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing claim team a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Claim Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Team

MDF Claim Team

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing claim team a member of an access group associated to the mdf claim

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Claim Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Claim Team

MDF Request

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing fund request a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with delete access and the request status is draft

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request (Data)

Resource: MDF Request

MDF Request

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing fund request approval details a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with update or full access and the request status is pending approval

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Approval Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Request

MDF Request

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing fund request details a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with update or full access and the request status is draft, returned, failed or withdrawn

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Request

MDF Request

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing fund request partner details a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with update or full access and request is in draft, returned, failed or withdrawn status and the request is created by an internal user

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Partner Details (Data)

Resource: MDF Request

MDF Request

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing fund request a member of an access group associated to the mdf request

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request (Data)

Resource: MDF Request

MDF Request Team

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing fund request team a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Fund Request Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Request Team

MDF Request Team

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing fund request team a member of an access group associated to the mdf request with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Fund Request Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Request Team

MDF Request Team

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing fund request team a member of an access group associated to the mdf request

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Fund Request Team (Data)

Resource: MDF Request Team

Marketing Integration Campaign

A Customer Service Manager can delete marketing integration campaign a member of an access group associated to the marketing integration campaign with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Marketing Integration Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Integration Campaign

Marketing Integration Campaign

A Customer Service Manager can update marketing integration campaign a member of an access group associated to the marketing integration campaign with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Marketing Integration Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Integration Campaign

Marketing Integration Campaign

A Customer Service Manager can view marketing integration campaign a member of an access group associated to the marketing integration campaign

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Marketing Integration Campaign (Data)

Resource: Marketing Integration Campaign


A Customer Service Manager can delete note a member of an access group associated to the note with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Note (Data)

Resource: Note


A Customer Service Manager can update note a member of an access group associated to the note with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Note (Data)

Resource: Note


A Customer Service Manager can view note a member of an access group associated to the note

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Note (Data)

Resource: Note


A Customer Service Manager can manage opportunity general profile a member of an access group associated to the opportunity with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Opportunity General Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity


A Customer Service Manager can manage opportunity restricted profile a member of an access group associated to the opportunity with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Restricted Profile (Data)

Resource: Opportunity


A Customer Service Manager can manage opportunity revenue a member of an access group associated to the opportunity with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Revenue (Data)

Resource: Opportunity


A Customer Service Manager can manage opportunity team a member of an access group associated to the opportunity with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Opportunity Team (Data)

Resource: Opportunity


A Customer Service Manager can view opportunity a member of an access group associated to the opportunity

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Opportunity (Data)

Resource: Opportunity

Partner Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage partner account a member of an access group associated to the partner with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Partner Profile

A Customer Service Manager can update partner account a member of an access group associated to the partner with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Partner Account (Data)

Resource: Partner Profile

Partner Program Enrollment

A Customer Service Manager can manage partner program enrollment a member of an access group associated to the partner program enrollment with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment

A Customer Service Manager can manage partner program enrollment a member of an access group associated to the partner program enrollment with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Partner Program Enrollment

A Customer Service Manager can view partner program enrollment a member of an access group associated to the partner program enrollment

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Partner Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Partner Program Enrollment

Price Book

A Customer Service Manager can delete price book a member of an access group associated to the price book with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Price Book (Data)

Resource: Price Book

Price Book

A Customer Service Manager can update price book a member of an access group associated to the price book with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Price Book (Data)

Resource: Price Book

Price Book

A Customer Service Manager can view price book a member of an access group associated to the price book

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Price Book (Data)

Resource: Price Book

Product Group

A Customer Service Manager can delete product group a member of an access group associated to the product group with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Product Group (Data)

Resource: Product Group

Product Group

A Customer Service Manager can update product group a member of an access group associated to the product group with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Product Group (Data)

Resource: Product Group

Product Group

A Customer Service Manager can view product group a member of an access group associated to the product group

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Product Group (Data)

Resource: Product Group


A Customer Service Manager can delete product a member of an access group associated to the product with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Product (Data)

Resource: Products


A Customer Service Manager can update product a member of an access group associated to the product with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Product (Data)

Resource: Products


A Customer Service Manager can view product a member of an access group associated to the product

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Product (Data)

Resource: Products

Public Person

A Customer Service Manager can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use User Details Service

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Sales Business Plan

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales business plan a member of an access group associated to the business plan with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Business Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Business Plan

Sales Business Plan

A Customer Service Manager can update sales business plan general a member of an access group associated to the business plan with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Business Plan General (Data)

Resource: Sales Business Plan

Sales Business Plan

A Customer Service Manager can update sales business plan status a member of an access group associated to the business plan with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Business Plan Status (Data)

Resource: Sales Business Plan

Sales Business Plan

A Customer Service Manager can view sales business plan a member of an access group associated to the business plan

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Business Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Business Plan

Sales Business Plan Team

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales business plan team a member of an access group associated to the business plan with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Business Plan Team (Data)

Resource: Sales Business Plan Team

Sales Competitor

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales competitor a member of an access group associated to the sales competitor with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Competitor

A Customer Service Manager can view sales competitor a member of an access group associated to the sales competitor

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Competitor (Data)

Resource: Sales Competitor

Sales Contests

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales contest a member of an access group associated to the contest with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Contest (Data)

Resource: Sales Contests

Sales Contests

A Customer Service Manager can update sales contest a member of an access group associated to the contest with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Contest (Data)

Resource: Sales Contests

Sales Contests

A Customer Service Manager can view sales contest a member of an access group associated to the contest

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Contest (Data)

Resource: Sales Contests

Sales Forecast

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales forecast participants a member of an access group associated to the sales forecast with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Forecast Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast

A Customer Service Manager can update sales forecast participants a member of an access group associated to the sales forecast with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Forecast Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast

A Customer Service Manager can view sales forecast participants a member of an access group associated to the sales forecast with read access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Forecast Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast

Sales Forecast Item

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales forecast item a member of an access group associated to the territory forecast with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Item (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Item

Sales Forecast Participant

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales forecast participant a member of an access group associated to the territory forecast with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Forecast Participant (Data)

Resource: Sales Forecast Participant

Sales Goal Participants

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales goal participants a member of an access group associated to the goal participant with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Goal Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Goal Participants

Sales Goal Participants

A Customer Service Manager can update sales goal participants a member of an access group associated to the goal participant with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Goal Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Goal Participants

Sales Goal Participants

A Customer Service Manager can view sales goal participants a member of an access group associated to the goal participant

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Goal Participants (Data)

Resource: Sales Goal Participants

Sales Goals

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales goal a member of an access group associated to the goal with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Goal (Data)

Resource: Sales Goals

Sales Goals

A Customer Service Manager can update sales goal a member of an access group associated to the goal with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Goal (Data)

Resource: Sales Goals

Sales Goals

A Customer Service Manager can view sales goal a member of an access group associated to the goal

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Goal (Data)

Resource: Sales Goals

Sales KPI

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales kpi a member of an access group associated to the kpi with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales KPI (Data)

Resource: Sales KPI

Sales KPI

A Customer Service Manager can update sales kpi a member of an access group associated to the kpi with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales KPI (Data)

Resource: Sales KPI

Sales KPI

A Customer Service Manager can view sales kpi a member of an access group associated to the kpi

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales KPI (Data)

Resource: Sales KPI

Sales Lead

A Customer Service Manager can convert sales lead a member of an access group associated to the sales lead with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Convert Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales lead a member of an access group associated to the sales lead with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead

A Customer Service Manager can update sales lead a member of an access group associated to the sales lead with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Lead

A Customer Service Manager can view sales lead a member of an access group associated to the sales lead

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Lead (Data)

Resource: Sales Lead

Sales Objective

A Customer Service Manager can delete sales objective a member of an access group associated to the sales business plan with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Sales Objective (Data)

Resource: Sales Objective

Sales Objective

A Customer Service Manager can update sales objective attainment a member of an access group associated to the sales business plan with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Objective Attainment (Data)

Resource: Sales Objective

Sales Objective

A Customer Service Manager can update sales objective general a member of an access group associated to the sales business plan with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Objective General (Data)

Resource: Sales Objective

Sales Objective

A Customer Service Manager can view sales objective a member of an access group associated to the sales business plan

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Objective (Data)

Resource: Sales Objective

Sales Objects

A Customer Service Manager can view standard file import export object type for all standard file import export objects that are accessible for service request power user

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Standard File Import Export Object Type

Resource: Sales Objects

Sales Objects

A Customer Service Manager can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import export objects that are accessible for service request power user

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: Sales Objects

Sales Order

A Customer Service Manager can view sales order a member of an access group associated to the sales order

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Order (Data)

Resource: Sales Order

Sales Quota Plan

A Customer Service Manager can view sales quota plan a member of an access group associated to the sales quota plan with read access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Quota Plan (Data)

Resource: Sales Quota Plan

Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales resource quota a member of an access group associated to the sales resource quota with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales resource quota a member of an access group associated to the sales resource quota with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Resource Quota

A Customer Service Manager can view sales resource quota a member of an access group associated to the sales resource quota with read access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Resource Quota (Data)

Resource: Sales Resource Quota

Sales Territory

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales territory a member of an access group associated to the sales territory with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales territory a member of an access group associated to the sales territory with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory

A Customer Service Manager can view sales territory a member of an access group associated to the sales territory with read access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Territory (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory

Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales territory proposal a member of an access group associated to the sales territory proposal with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales territory proposal a member of an access group associated to the sales territory proposal with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Sales Territory Proposal

A Customer Service Manager can view sales territory proposal a member of an access group associated to the sales territory proposal with read access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Territory Proposal (Data)

Resource: Sales Territory Proposal

Self Service Registration

A Customer Service Manager can manage self service registration for all self service registrations

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Self Service Registration (Data)

Resource: Self Service Registration

Self Service Role

A Customer Service Manager can manage self service role for all self service roles

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Self Service Role (Data)

Resource: Self Service Role

Self Service User

A Customer Service Manager can manage self service user for all self service users

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Self Service User (Data)

Resource: Self Service User

Service Assignment Queue

A Customer Service Manager can manage service queue for all customer relationship management service queues

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Service Queue (Data)

Resource: Service Assignment Queue

Service Category

A Customer Service Manager can delete service category a member of an access group associated to the service category with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Service Category (Data)

Resource: Service Category

Service Category

A Customer Service Manager can manage service category for all customer relationship management service categories

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Service Category (Data)

Resource: Service Category

Service Category

A Customer Service Manager can update service category a member of an access group associated to the service category with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Service Category (Data)

Resource: Service Category

Service Category

A Customer Service Manager can view service category a member of an access group associated to the service category

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Service Category (Data)

Resource: Service Category

Service Interaction Header

A Customer Service Manager can manage service interaction for all crm interactions

Role: Conversation Message Management

Privilege: Manage Service Interaction (Data)

Resource: Service Interaction Header

Service Interaction Header

A Customer Service Manager can manage service interaction for all crm interactions

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Service Interaction (Data)

Resource: Service Interaction Header

Service Profile

A Customer Service Manager can delete service profile a member of an access group associated to the service profile with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Service Profile (Data)

Resource: Service Profile

Service Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage service profile for all service profiles

Role: Service Profile Management

Privilege: Manage Service Profile (Data)

Resource: Service Profile

Service Profile

A Customer Service Manager can update service profile a member of an access group associated to the service profile with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Service Profile (Data)

Resource: Service Profile

Service Profile

A Customer Service Manager can view service profile a member of an access group associated to the service profile

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Service Profile (Data)

Resource: Service Profile

Service Profile

A Customer Service Manager can view service profile for all service profiles

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Service Profile (Data)

Resource: Service Profile

Service Request Header

A Customer Service Manager can delete service request header a member of an access group associated to the service request with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Service Request Header (Data)

Resource: Service Request Header

Service Request Header

A Customer Service Manager can update service request header a member of an access group associated to the service request with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Service Request Header (Data)

Resource: Service Request Header

Service Request Header

A Customer Service Manager can view service request header a member of an access group associated to the service request

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Service Request Header (Data)

Resource: Service Request Header

Service Request Message

A Customer Service Manager can delete service request message a member of an access group associated to the sr message with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Delete Service Request Message (Data)

Resource: Service Request Message

Service Request Message

A Customer Service Manager can manage service request message for all service request messages

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Service Request Message (Data)

Resource: Service Request Message

Service Request Message

A Customer Service Manager can update service request message a member of an access group associated to the sr message with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Service Request Message (Data)

Resource: Service Request Message

Service Request Message

A Customer Service Manager can view service request message a member of an access group associated to the sr message

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Service Request Message (Data)

Resource: Service Request Message

Service Request Resource

A Customer Service Manager can manage service request resource for all service request resources

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Service Request Resource (Data)

Resource: Service Request Resource

Smart Text

A Customer Service Manager can manage smart text all customer relationship management smart texts

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Smart Text (Data)

Resource: Smart Text


A Customer Service Manager can manage subscription a member of an access group associated to the subscription with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Subscription (Data)

Resource: Subscription


A Customer Service Manager can update subscription a member of an access group associated to the subscription with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Subscription (Data)

Resource: Subscription


A Customer Service Manager can view subscription a member of an access group associated to the subscription

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Subscription (Data)

Resource: Subscription


A Customer Service Manager can view survey for all customer relationship management surveys

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: View Survey (Data)

Resource: Survey

Survey Request

A Customer Service Manager can manage survey request where they or their subordinate is the owner of the survey request

Role: Service Request Power User

Privilege: Manage Survey Request (Data)

Resource: Survey Request

Trading Community Contact Preference

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference a member of an access group associated to contact preferences.

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Contact Preference

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community duplicate identification batch a member of an access group associated to the duplicate identification batch with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community duplicate identification batch a member of an access group associated to the duplicate identification batch with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community duplicate identification batch a member of an access group associated to the duplicate identification batch with view access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Identification Batch

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community duplicate resolution request a member of an access group associated to the duplicate resolution request with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community duplicate resolution request a member of an access group associated to the duplicate resolution request with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community duplicate resolution request a member of an access group associated to the duplicate resolution request with view access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Duplicate Resolution Request

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales party a member of an access group associated to the account with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales party a member of an access group associated to the contact with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales party a member of an access group associated to the household with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales party a member of an access group associated to the partner contact with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can manage sales party a member of an access group associated to the partner contact with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the account with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the account with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the contact with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the contact with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the household with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can update sales party a member of an access group associated to the household with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the account

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the household

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the partner

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the partner contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view sales party a member of an access group associated to the sales competitor

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Sales Party (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community contact a member of an access group associated to the contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community contact a member of an access group associated to the partner contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community resource a member of an access group associated to the resource

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community relationship a member of an access group associated to the account

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community relationship a member of an access group associated to the contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community relationship a member of an access group associated to the household

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community relationship a member of an access group associated to the partner contact

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Note

A Customer Service Manager can view trading community resource notes for all resource notes

Role: Resource

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Notes (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource address a member of an access group associated to the resource with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource address for their addresses

Role: Resource

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource contact point information a member of an access group associated to the resource with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Point Information (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource contact point information for their contacts

Role: Resource

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Point Information (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource skill a member of an access group associated to the resource with update access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can remove trading community resource a member of an access group associated to the resource with delete access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can update trading community resource a member of an access group associated to the resource with full access

Role: Access Groups Enablement

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Customer Service Manager can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile