Company-Defined Earning Types

You can create required earning types and associate them with plan components.

The calculation process creates earnings for these plan components, such as 500 Points, and stores them in COMM_AMT_CALC_CURRENCY in the Earnings table.

Note: The calculation process doesn't convert nonmonetary earnings, such as Points, to participant home currency or operating currency. It stores the nonmonetary earnings separately in the participant subledger.

Since the payment module doesn't include nonmonetary earnings, you can export those earnings and set their statuses to Posted. Setting the status to Posted ensures that the same nonmonetary earnings aren't included in the next export.

When you run the report for the nonmonetary earning type, such as Points, the participant reports show the earnings in the earning type. Example: The report amount is 500 and the earning type is Points.

Participant reports show only those plan components containing the earning type selected for the report run. Affected reports include:

  • YTD (Year-to-Date)

  • Earning Details

  • Commission Statement