Import Participants Parameters

The participants import uses two types of parameters: target and filter. Participants are people or parties who participate in the incentive compensation processes.

A person can either be a participant who’s eligible to be assigned to incentive compensation plans or an incentive compensation administrator, such as an analyst or compensation manager. You can import participants using the Import Participants task in the Participant Assignment work area. The eligible participant must already exist as a person in Global Human Resources or a party in Trading Community Model.

You can use two types of parameters when using the Import Participants task.

Parameter Type



The set of values that the imported participant inherits. For example, by selecting Vision Operations as the business unit participant value, all participants imported inherit the Vision Operations business unit.


The criteria used to select persons and parties for incentive compensation participant import.

Target Parameters

Business Unit

Required. Select the destination incentive compensation business unit for the imported participants.

Participant Home Currency

If this target parameter has a value, then the import process uses it to populate the participant currency attribute. If you don't select a target parameter value, then the import process uses the operating currency from the value you provided using the Manage Parameters task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Analyst Name

If this target parameter has a value, then the import process uses it to assign the analyst to the imported participants. If you don't provide a target parameter value, then you can assign analysts to participants after they’re imported using the Participant Assignments work area, Manage Analyst Assignments task.

Target Country

The import process uses the country defined for the party. For employees, the country is determined from the employee location value. For other parties, the country is determined from the party's identifying (primary) address. If a value isn't defined for the party, then the import process uses the target country parameter value to populate the participant country attribute.

Active Start Date

If this target parameter has a value, then the import process uses it to populate the participant active start date and the participant attributes effective start date. If you don't provide a target parameter value, then the import process uses the employee start date or the party creation date to populate the participant active start date and the participant attributes effective start date.

Participant Type

Use the Compensation Administrator participant type when importing compensation analysts and compensation managers. Use the type Participant when importing persons who are eligible to receive incentive credit. Participants can't be deleted. If you imported participants with the incorrect type, then you can update the value using a source file and the Participant Assignments work area, Import and Update Participant Details task.

Filter Parameters

Note: Use filter parameters whenever possible, to avoid importing extraneous participants because there’s no way to delete them after import.

Party Usage

Required. Select the party usage. Party usages are generally assigned to parties by the application used to enter the party. Typical party usages that are eligible participants are HR Employee, HR Contingent Worker, and Partner Contact.

Party Name

Text input with wildcard support. If you provide a value, then the import process converts the value to upper case and then uses a 'like' comparison to select from the person and party full name value.


Text input with wildcard support. The import process converts the value to upper case and then uses a 'like' comparison to select persons in Global Human Resources who are assigned to the job. The import process searches for job assignments that are in effect using the import process run date.


Text input without wildcard support. If you provide a value, then the import process selects parties where the party country matches. For employees, the country is determined by the employee location value. For other parties, the country is determined by the party's identifying (primary) address.

Start Date

If you provide a value, then the import process selects parties where the party usage effective start date matches. Party usages are generally assigned to parties by the application used to enter the party. The assignment start date is either required by that application or the application enters a default value. For example, the start date for the HR Employee party usage is the hire date. Users assigned to the Party Center Inquiry duty role can view the party usage assignments for all parties.

End Date

If you provide a value, then the import process selects parties where the party usage effective end date matches.


Text input with wildcard support. If you provide a value, then the import process converts the value to upper case and then uses a 'like' comparison to select resources who are assigned to the role. Persons are created as resources when they’re assigned a resource role in the Create User page or when importing employee resources. The import process searches for role assignments that are in effect according to the import process run date.

Role Type

Text input without wildcard support. If you provide a value, then the import process selects resources who are assigned to the role associated with the role type. Persons are created as resources when they’re assigned a resource role in the Create User page or when importing employee resources. A role is associated with a type when you define the role using the Manage Resource Roles task in the Users and Security function area of the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Person Number

Text input without wildcard support. If you provide a value, then the import process select persons in Global Human Resources with matching person numbers. A person number is the unique identifier generated by Global Human Resources when a person is entered. If you're importing parties from the Trading Community Model, then person number isn't available and isn't populated for the participant during import.