Modify the Approval Workflow for Compensation Participant Paysheets

When your paysheet approval processing requires more than manager approval, change the approval flow. You can configure rules for determining your approvers. This feature still supports your governance requirements while giving you more flexibility and control over your paysheet approval processing.

To modify the workflow:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Task Configurations for Incentive Compensation

  2. In the Tasks to be Configured page, search for and select the NotificationForPaysheet task.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Go to the Assignees tab.

    The ready to use configuration includes two enabled service oriented architecture (SOA) participants in the paysheet approval stage. The first SOA participant represents the current paysheet approval flow using the analyst-to-compensation manager hierarchy defined using the Participant Assignment work area. The second SOA participant sends a notification to the requesting analyst.

  5. Select the inactive SOA label participant to enable and edit an additional parallel approval flow.

  6. A placeholder rule is provided. Click Edit to create your own rules. The rule set and rule names must start with a letter and contain only letters and numbers. Delete the placeholder rule.

    Note: You can define a rule which routes the paysheet to an approval group. You define approval groups using the Manage Approval Groups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  7. For numeric values, you must convert them from strings back to values. To do so, use Double.valueOf followed by the value itself or field name in parentheses. For example, to include the number 1000 in a rule, enter Double.valueOf("1000").

  8. When the rule result is true, you can, for example, add supervisory approvals for the then statement.

  9. Click Validate and make sure your rules have no errors.

  10. Click Go back to Assignees.

  11. In the Assignees page, click Advanced.

  12. To enable the SOA participant, deselect the Ignore Participant indicator.

Adding Supervisory Hierarchy Approvers

To add supervisory approvers:

  1. For a rule that's true, go to the THEN region.

  2. Set the number of levels in the participant's supervisory hierarchy required to approve.

  3. Click the icon next to Starting Participant.

  4. Select the Manager option.

  5. Click the icon next to Reference User.

  6. Expand NotificationForPaysheetPayloadType.

  7. Expand PaysheetdetailInfo.

  8. Select paticipantUserName.

  9. Click the icon next to Top Participant.

  10. Select Get User.

  11. In the Reference User field, type the topmost manager's sign-in user name in quotes.

  12. Click OK.

Share Attachments and Comments

Make this change if you want comments and attachments to be available in each notification, including the final notification send to the originating user.

  1. In the Tasks to be Configured page, search for and select the NotificationForPaysheet task.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Go to the Assignees tab.

  4. Click the Edit icon between Stage One and Participant Two.
  5. Select Share attachments and comments.
  6. Save and Commit task.