Period Statuses You Can Select

The statuses you can select depend on the current status, as described in this table.

Current Period Status

Available Status Selections

Not Opened

Future Entry or Open

You can't change a period status to Open if any prior period status is Not Opened or Future Entry.

Future Entry

Edit this status to Open.


Closed or Permanently Closed

You can't edit a period to Closed if:

  • Any prior period status is Not Opened, Future Entry, or Open

  • Any trial payment batches are unpaid. Delete or pay the batch first, then close the period.

You can't edit a period to Permanently Closed if any prior period is Not Opened, Future Entry, Open, or Closed.


Open or Permanently Closed

Permanently Closed

After you permanently close a period, you can't reopen it and the application doesn't process transactions of any kind.

Be sure that there are no new transactions, adjustments, payments, or any other outstanding transactions before you permanently close a period.

The Closed status prevents running crediting, rollup, classification, or calculation. This protects the payment amounts from being changed. You can reopen a closed period. You can't reopen it when it's Permanently Closed.