This Table stores information of the object in incentive compenstion plan which are being tested using the functional regression upgrade tool


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CN

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
FRT_DATA_ID NUMBER 18 Yes This column is the System Generated Primary Key.
ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.
BASE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2 40 Indicates the table name associated to the row
BASE_TABLE_PRIMARY_ID NUMBER 18 This column represents the primary key of the row from the table thas was used to copy data from.
BASE_TABLE_OBJECT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 This column represents the public indetifier of the row from the table thas was used to copy data from.
WORKER_ID NUMBER Yes Worker Number that will process this row. This worker number will belong between a range depending on the organization of the object.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
CHAR_COL1 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL2 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL3 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL4 VARCHAR2 150 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL5 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL6 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL7 VARCHAR2 150 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL8 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL9 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL10 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL11 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL12 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL13 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL14 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CHAR_COL15 VARCHAR2 100 The column will be used to store required Character data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL1 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL2 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL3 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL4 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL5 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL6 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL7 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL8 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL9 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL10 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL11 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL12 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL13 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL14 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL15 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL16 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL17 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL18 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL19 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL20 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL21 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL22 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL23 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL24 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL25 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL26 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL27 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL28 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL29 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL30 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL31 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL32 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL33 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL34 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL35 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL36 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL37 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL38 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL39 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
NUMBER_COL40 NUMBER 18 The column will be used to store required Numerical data from the Incentive Compensation tables.
DATE_COL1 DATE The column will be used to store required Dates from the Incentive Compensation tables.
DATE_COL2 DATE The column will be used to store required Dates from the Incentive Compensation tables.
DATE_COL3 DATE The column will be used to store required Dates from the Incentive Compensation tables.
DATE_COL4 DATE The column will be used to store required Dates from the Incentive Compensation tables.
DATE_COL5 DATE The column will be used to store required Dates from the Incentive Compensation tables.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns