This table stores the history of category alias.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSO

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
ASSIGNED NUMBER Yes A boolean flag indicating whether a document is manually assigned to category.
CATEGORY_ID VARCHAR2 32 Yes This is the category ID the alias refers to.
CONFIG_CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP This is the datetime when the config object was created (This value can be initially set by the user)
CONFIG_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP This is the datetime when the config object was last modified (This value can be initially set by the user)
CREATE_USER_LOGIN VARCHAR2 255 This is the user that created the record.
DATE_ADDED TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime when the record was added.
DATE_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime when the record was last modified.
DOC_ID NUMBER Yes This is the Document Id for this record.
ENABLED NUMBER Yes A boolean flag indicating whether the config object is enabled.
RECORD_ID VARCHAR2 32 Yes Record ID, forming compound primary key with ROW_START
REFERENCE_KEY VARCHAR2 255 Yes Non localized reference key for the config object.
ROW_END TIMESTAMP This is the dateime when a specific version of the config object was modified (NULL indicates this version has not been modified and is currently active)
ROW_START TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime when a specific version of the config object was added.
SAVE_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 255 This is the Commentary for saving the record.
TITLE VARCHAR2 4000 Yes This is the Title of document (from IQXML)
UPDATE_USER_LOGIN VARCHAR2 255 This is the user that updated the record.
URL VARCHAR2 1000 Yes URL of the document classified to the category.
VERSION NUMBER This is the revision number for this record.


Index Uniqueness Columns