This table stores Intent hierarchy (currently not used)


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSO

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
CONFIG_CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP This is the datetime when the config object was created (This value can be initially set by the user)
CONFIG_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP This is the datetime when the config object was last modified (This value can be initially set by the user)
CREATE_USER_LOGIN VARCHAR2 255 This is the user that created the record.
DATE_ADDED TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime when the record was added.
DATE_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime when the record was last modified.
DOMAIN_ID VARCHAR2 32 A foreign key reference to RECORD_ID in CSO_SCH_DOM table.
ENABLED NUMBER Yes A boolean flag indicating whether the config object is enabled.
INTENT_HIER_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes This is the datetime of the hierarchy.
INTENT_ID VARCHAR2 32 Yes This is the intent ID of this record.
NOTES VARCHAR2 4000 These are the Notes for the config object.
OLD_GUID VARCHAR2 32 This is the old GUID that we used to have before the new guid.
RECORD_ID VARCHAR2 32 Yes This is the primary key of the table.
REFERENCE_KEY VARCHAR2 255 Non localized reference key for the config object.
ROOT_ND_ID VARCHAR2 32 Root node ID, a foreign key reference to RECORD_ID in CSO_SCH_INT_HIERNODE table.
SAVE_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 255 This is the Commentary for saving the record.
TYPE VARCHAR2 50 Yes This is the type for this record stored.
UPDATE_USER_LOGIN VARCHAR2 255 This is the user that updated the record.
VERSION NUMBER This is the revision number for this record.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
CSO_SCH_INT_HIER cso_sch_int_hiernode ROOT_ND_ID


Index Uniqueness Columns