This table will be populated hourly and daily from cso_stg_questions. Hourly rollup will be deleted at the end of every day once the day ends. At the end of every month, older daily rollup data will be purged.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: CSO

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SEARCH_STATS_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary key of the table. Populated by sequence number.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
STAT_DATE DATE Yes The date on which the stats occurred.
STAT_HOUR NUMBER 9 Yes Applicable for window=1 and represents the HOUR of the DAY for which the data belongs to.
NORMALIZED_QUESTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The unique ID used to track the text for a given normalized question.
LOCALE_ID VARCHAR2 32 Yes This is the reference to the locale in CSO_LOCALE table.
QUESTION_COUNT NUMBER 10 The question count is the number of questions asked. These questions can be actual or normalized questions.
RESPONSE_COUNT NUMBER 10 The response count is the number of responses returned for a given question. The question can be an actual or normalized question.
WINDOW NUMBER 1 Yes 1-hourly, 2-daily, 3-monthly (rollup strategy).
UNKNOWN_WORD_COUNT NUMBER 10 Number of unknown words that are not configured in search application.
CONCEPT_MATCH_COUNT NUMBER 10 Number of known words or concepts that are configured in search application.
DEPARTMENT_ID VARCHAR2 32 The unique ID for the department as stored by knowledge and will be used for striping questions.
CLICKTHROUGH_01_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the first position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_02_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the second position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_03_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the third position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_04_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the fourth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_05_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the fifth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_06_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the sixth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_07_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the seventh position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_08_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the eighth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_09_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the ninth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_10_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the tenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_11_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the eleventh position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_12_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the twelfth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_13_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the thirteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_14_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the fourteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_15_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the fifteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_16_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the sixteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_17_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the seventeenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_18_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the eighteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_19_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the nineteenth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_20_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed is at the twentieth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_21_PLUS NUMBER 10 Yes This value is incremented by 1 if the position of the answer displayed greater than the twentieth position and is clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_COUNT NUMBER 10 Yes The count of answers clicked against a question.
CLICKTHROUGH_POSITION NUMBER 10 Yes The position of each answer clicked against a question.
QUESTIONS_WITH_CLICKS_COUNT NUMBER 10 Yes The value is set to 1 against a question if the question has at least one answer view else the value is set to 0.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns