The HZ_IMP_BATCH_SUMMARY table stores information about import batches which contain a set of records to be imported from the interface tables into the TCA Registry. The table includes information on the processes that the user chooses to perform on the import batch, such as import preview. The table also stores information about batches of records purged from the interface table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: HZ

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Interface batch identifier Active
BATCH_NAME VARCHAR2 255 Yes Batch name Active
ORIGINAL_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 Yes Original source system for the batch data  Active
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 1000 Batch description Active
EST_NO_OF_RECORDS NUMBER Estimated number of records in the batch as entered by the user Active
LOAD_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Type of load.CSV for CSV file load, DNB for D&B batch load, or SQL load, with value entered by the user. Active
ERROR_LIMIT NUMBER User-defined error limit, after which the batch will fail Active
VALIDATE_FLEXFIELD_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N indicates whether flexfields should be validated during import or not Active
WHAT_IF_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N indicates whether or not the user wants to stop the process before the data is loaded into TCA and evaluate the results Active
BATCH_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Overall status of the batch. Active, Purged, or Rejected Active
CSV_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Status for the CSV load concurrent program Active
CSV_LOAD_ID NUMBER 18 CSV File Load Identifier. Foreign Key to IMC_CSV_LOAD_SUMMARY Active
PURGE_DATE DATE Date on which the batch was purged Active
PURGED_BY_USER_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the user who purged the batch Active
PROCESSED_STEP VARCHAR2 50 Process completed Active
IN_PROCESS_STEP VARCHAR2 50 Process in progress Active
TO_PROCESS_STEP VARCHAR2 50 Process to start Active
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
PROGRAM_APP_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Concurrent Program who column - Identifies the Application name spawning the Concurrent Request. FK to fnd_global.prog_appl_name. Active
PROGRAM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Concurrent Program who column - Identifies the concurrent program. FK to fnd_global.conc_program_name. Active
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Active
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
HWM_PROCESS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Stores the high water mark process so import will know validation should be re-run or not. Active
SYSTASK_ID NUMBER 18 System Task Identifier Active
STATISTIC_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 Statistic Group Id for the batch
BATCH_OBJECT VARCHAR2 30 Yes Object type of the batch. Customer and Consumer, Employee Resource, Partner, Custom Party, Competitor or Reference
OBJECT_TYPE_CD VARCHAR2 30 Internal use column. Store the file import object type code
EVENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 This column is to store the event_type value getting from the payload.
EXECUTION_CONTEXT VARCHAR2 240 This column is to store the ExecutionContext value getting from the payload
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 2000 Message of error occurred during bulk import process

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
hz_imp_contactroles hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_hierarchies_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_person_profiles_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_personlang hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_team_usages hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_partysiteuses_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_group_profiles_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_locations_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_team_members hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_roleresp hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_hierarchy_versions hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_accountrels hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_parties_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_hierarchy_nodes hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_process_details hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
jtf_imp_rs_resource_prof_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_addtnlpartyids_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_creditrtngs_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_ref_entities hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_classifics_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_addtnlpartynames_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_accounts_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_teams hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_contactpts_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_resources hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_finnumbers_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_acctcontacts_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_contactprefs hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
mkt_cm_suspects_queue hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_group_members hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_acctsiteuses_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_entity_details hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_organization_prof_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_party_sites_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_contacts_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_partysites_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_org_contacts_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_finreports_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_dq_config hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_acctsites_t hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_relationships_xm hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID
hz_imp_errors hz_imp_batch_summary BATCH_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns