HZ_IMP_GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVELS is an interface table to load country structure data to TCA geography tables such as HZ_GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVELS, HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES, HZ_GEOGRAPHY_TYPES_B, and HZ_GEOGRAPHY_TYPES_TL. The program orders data by BATCH_ID, COUNTRY_CODE, and LEVEL_NUMBER to identify a country structure, and LEVEL_NUMBER must start from 1 which is COUNTRY.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: HZ

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
INTERFACE_ROW_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for this interface record. (internal use only)
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for a geography import batch in HZ_IMP_BATCH_SUMMARY.
COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR2 2 Yes Code of country to which the geography belongs.
GEOGRAPHY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Unique Identifier Code for the geography type.
GEOGRAPHY_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Unique Identifier Code for the geography type.
LEVEL_NUMBER NUMBER 2 Yes Level number of a geography type within a country structure. (i.e. For United States, COUNTRY is 1 and STATE is 2.)
PARENT_GEOGRAPHY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Parent of the geography type (internal use only).
ADDR_VAL_LEVEL VARCHAR2 30 Address validation level for a country.
COUNTRY_GEOGRAPHY_ID NUMBER 18 Geography identifier of country which the geography belongs (Internal use only).
GEOGRAPHY_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of geography type (Internal use only).
FORWARD_REL_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Forward relationship type identifier of this geography type and its parent geography type in HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES table (internal use only).
BACKWARD_REL_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Backward relationship type identifier of this geography type and its parent geography type in HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES table (internal use only).
GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVEL_ID NUMBER 18 Unique geography structure identifier in HZ_GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVELS (Internal use only).
INSERT_GEO_TYPE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that a new geography needs to be inserted into HZ_GEOGRAPHY_TYPES_B and HZ_GEOGRAPHY_TYPES_TL if it is 'I' (Internal use only).
INSERT_REL_TYPE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that a new relationship type needs to be inserted into HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES if it is 'I' (Internal use only).
INSERT_STRUCT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates that a new country structure needs to be inserted into HZ_GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVELS if it is 'I' (Internal use only).
ERROR_ID NUMBER 18 Error ID in HZ_IMP_ERRORS. (internal use only)
FILE_RECORD_NUM NUMBER 10 File import wizard uses this column to relate records in this interface table to rows in a file. (internal use only)
IMPORT_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 File import wizard status: I – In Progress, O – Obsolete(This would be the status of all the interface table records that were run before), E - Errored, S - Successful (internal use only)
ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 File Import Uses this column to identify whether Delete support is needed for the Import.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns