The profile staging table collects value change and source information for profile records being created, updated or removed based on source records received from an external system. This information is calculated by the import process after source data has been received and stored. Later, the import process uses this information to update the profile table and the history table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: HZ

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The action performed on the profile record, for example INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
PROCESS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The process performing an action on the profile record, for example HZ_IMPORT.
PROCESS_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The process instance performing an action on the profile record, for example BATCH_ID for HZ_IMPORT.
RECORD_DATE TIMESTAMP Last update of an existing profile record being updated or removed. NULL for a new profile record being created.
RECORD_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of an existing profile record being updated or removed. NULL for a new profile record being created.
RECORD_VERSION NUMBER 9 Version of an existing profile record being updated or removed. NULL for a new profile record being created.
SOURCE_RECORD_DATE TIMESTAMP Last update of the source record which is used to create a new profile record or update an existing profile record. NULL if the source record cannot be updated.
SOURCE_RECORD_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the source record which is used to create a new profile record or update an existing profile record.
SOURCE_RECORD_VERSION NUMBER 9 Version of the source record which is used to create a new profile record or update an existing profile record. NULL if the source record cannot be updated.
VALUE_CHANGE VARCHAR2 3000 Indicates the profile values being changed. NULL if the value changes are undetermined, for example when updating a profile record that does not exist.
VALUE_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the source of the profile values being changed. NULL if the value changes are undetermined, for example when updating a profile record that does not exist.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns