This table stores the resulting SRS data for Consumers Real Time target level. Specifically it saves the Consumer IDs of complex segmentation criteria which can be used in other segments to keep track of which targets joined and left a segment.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MKT

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Not-null Comments
GUID VARCHAR2 50 Yes Unique identifier of the saved result set
TARGET_LEVEL_ID VARCHAR2 30 Yes Target level ID that qualified for this saved result set
OFFER_CODE VARCHAR2 100 Standard attribute for Offer code
CHANNEL VARCHAR2 100 Standard attribute for Channel Type
TAG_01 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_02 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_03 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_04 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_05 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_06 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_07 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_08 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_09 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_10 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_11 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_12 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_13 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_14 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column
TAG_15 VARCHAR2 250 Column to hold custom attribute or column

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
MKT_SR_CONSUMER mkt_sr_header GUID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status
MKT_SR_CONSUMER_N1 Non Unique Default GUID Obsolete