This table stores the Saved Result Set (SRS) header records across multiple marketing segmentation target levels.A SRS is a snapshot of segment members that are recorded at a particular point in time so that they can be reused in the future without re-evaluating the criteria again.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MKT

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
GUID VARCHAR2 50 Yes Unique identifier to identify the saved result set
SEGMENT_PATH VARCHAR2 250 Path name of the segment report in the Oracle BI Web Catalog
SR_CUSTOM_LABEL VARCHAR2 250 A user-created text literal for the saved result set
PRIORITY NUMBER 10 Priority for a branch in the segment tree
NODE_PATH VARCHAR2 200 Branch ID number for a branch in the segment tree
NODE_LABEL VARCHAR2 250 Label text of a priority node in the segment tree
TARGET_LEVEL VARCHAR2 100 Name of the target level for which the saved result is being created
SR_CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 The user who created the saved result set
SRS_COUNT NUMBER 10 Number of target level IDs in the Saved result set
DATE_TIME VARCHAR2 20 Date and Time when the Saved result set was created
SR_PATH VARCHAR2 250 Refers to the Saved result set list format that was used
CONNECTION_POOL VARCHAR2 250 Connection pool that was used to write the saved result set

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
mkt_sr_contact mkt_sr_header GUID
mkt_sr_consumer mkt_sr_header GUID
mkt_sr_account mkt_sr_header GUID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns
MKT_SR_HEADER_U1 Unique Default GUID