To save the values of the candidates temporarily which will be used in procedure do_disposition which is inside the package mow_disposition.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MOW

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
OBJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes object_id = To store the workObejctID
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Can have values like 'Opportunity', 'Lead', Partner', 'Account','Contact'
ESS_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes ESS_REQUEST_ID : indicates the essRequestId of the job that was submitted to process
OBJECT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 300 OBJECT_NUMBER = To store the objectNumber value which will be derived from mow_batch_asgn_job_items table
ACCESS_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 ACCESS_GROUP_ID = To store the candidateObjectID
ACCESS_GROUP_NUMBER VARCHAR2 4000 ACCESS_GROUP_NUMBER = To store the accessGroupNumber, and the value is derived from table zca_access_groups
ACCESS_GROUP_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 ACCESS_GROUP_TYPE_CODE = To store the typeCode value, which is derived from table zca_access_groups
ACCESS_LEVEL_CODE VARCHAR2 50 ACCESS_LEVEL_CODE = to store the accessLevelCode value
ASSIGNMENT_RULE_GUID VARCHAR2 64 ASSIGNMENT_RULE_GUID = To store the assignmentRuleGuid value
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 256 ERROR_MESSAGE = While performing process batch, if in case there was any error occured, it will be stored in this column
ASSIGNMENT_RULE_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 Place-holder for same column in ZCA_OBJECT_SHARE_REASON table
RULE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 To identify a record if it belongs to custom or hybrid rule


Index Uniqueness Columns