MOW_DISPOSITION_TBA_AUDIT_GT = Used inside the package MOW_DISPOSITION_TBA to store the data that we are going to make changes in the intersection table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: MOW

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes OBJECT_TYPE = To identify the object type of this row
ESS_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes ESS_REQUEST_ID = to store the ess request id of this row
ACTION VARCHAR2 6 Yes ACTION = To store if the record is to perform INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE
WORK_OBJECT_PKA1 NUMBER 18 Yes WORK_OBJECT_PKA1 = to store the WO primary key 1 value
WORK_OBJECT_PKA2 NUMBER 18 WORK_OBJECT_PKA2 = to store the WO primary key 2 value
WORK_OBJECT_PKA3 NUMBER 18 WORK_OBJECT_PKA3 = to store the WO primary key 3 value
CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA1 NUMBER 18 CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA1 = To store the candidate object primary key 1 value
CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA2 NUMBER 18 CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA2 = To store the candidate object primary key 2 value
CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA3 NUMBER 18 CANDIDATE_OBJECT_PKA3 = To store the candidate object primary key 3 value