Contract header is the top level component in a contract and is used to capture contract information like number, type, parties, business unit, start date, currency etc. In addition certain attributes captured at header level can be defaulted to contract lines.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: OKC

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
CONTRACT_ID NUMBER 18 Single PrimaryKey for Header
ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary key, unique identifier of the contract. Active
SUPPRESSED_CREDIT_AMOUNT NUMBER Suppressed Credit amount for reterminate action in service contract
RETURN_CREDIT_METHOD_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Return credit method code for reterminate action
TERMINATED_AMOUNT NUMBER Terminated Amount for contract.
ENABLE_ELECTRONIC_SIGN_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Enable Electronic Signature Flag
MAJOR_VERSION NUMBER 18 Yes Major Version Number of the Contract. Active
VERSION_TYPE VARCHAR2 1 Yes Version Type can have 3 values: Current, Amendment, and History. If the version type is not Current then no update is allowed on the entity. Active
CONTRACT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 Yes Contract Number, editable based on Contract Autonumbering setup. Active
CONTRACT_NUMBER_MODIFIER VARCHAR2 120 A unique internal name for the contract number. Conbination of contract number and modifier are unique for a contract. Enterable only during Copy and Renewal. (Out of scope for V1). Active
CONTRACT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes User defined type of contract like Project or Service. Active
BUY_OR_SELL VARCHAR2 3 Yes Intent of the contract can be Buy or Sell. Derived from Contract type. Active
ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row. Active
INV_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory Organization for the contract points to a Master Inventory Organization. Active
STS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes User status of the contract for e.g., Entered, Cancelled, Active, Terminated, Signed, Expired etc. Each user status corresponds to a status type. Active
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Yes Contract's transaction currency. Active
TEMPLATE_YN VARCHAR2 3 Yes Y for contract template if the contract is created from template. Active
START_DATE DATE Yes Start date of the contract. Active
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Active
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
QCL_ID NUMBER 18 QA checklist Identifier for the contract. Active
END_DATE DATE End date of the contract. Active
ESTIMATED_AMOUNT NUMBER Contract's total amount; will be rolled up from lines. For a contract type with no line, will be user enterable. Active
TRN_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Termination Reason code. Active
TEMPLATE_USED VARCHAR2 120 If contract was created from a template, will have the template name. Active
PRICE_LIST_ID NUMBER 18 Contract pricelist, used to price service lines in a contract. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
INV_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Contract invoicing rule ?? advance or arrears - used for invoicing service lines. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
ACCT_RULE_ID NUMBER 18 Accounting rule for revenue recognition, for e.g., Immediate, 3 Months Deferred etc, used to Recognize revenue for service lines. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER 18 Supplier for Buy Intent contracts. Defaulted to project lines. Active
SUPPLIER_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Supplier Site for Buy Intent contracts. Defaulted to project lines. Active
INV_CONV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Currency conversion rate type used for converting amounts to contract currency during Invoicing process. Active
INV_CONV_RATE_DATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Currency conversion rate date type used for converting amounts to contract currency during Invoicing process. Active
INV_CONV_RATE_DATE DATE Currency conversion date. Needed only if date type is fixed. Active
CUST_PO_NUMBER_REQ_YN VARCHAR2 3 Y/N, if Customer PO Number is mandatory. Active
CUST_PO_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Free form text referring to Customer PO Number, Wire or Check. Active
INV_TRX_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Receivables Transaction Type for Invoices and Credit Memos. Displayed for sell intent only. Active
INV_PRINT_PROFILE VARCHAR2 1 Maps to existing column oks_k_headers_b.inv_print_profile. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In VI, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
AR_INTERFACE_YN VARCHAR2 30 Y/N, indicates whether billing transactions are to be interfaced to AR. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In VI, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
HOLD_BILLING VARCHAR2 1 Y/N, indicates whether credits are on hold till next billing cycle. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In VI.1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
SUMMARY_TRX_YN VARCHAR2 1 Y/N, if Yes - billing transactions of contract lines are interfaced to AR. If No - billing transactions of contract sublines are interfaced to AR. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In VI, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
CANCELLED_AMOUNT NUMBER Contract amount that has been canceled. Will be rolled up from all lines that have been canceled. Disabled for a contract type with no lines. Not displayed in UI for V1. Active
BILL_TO_ACCT_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to Account (Customer Account) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Active
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to Site (Customer Account Site Use) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Active
SHIP_TO_ACCT_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to Account (Customer Account) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Active
SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to Site (Customer Account Site Use) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Active
SOLD_TO_ACCT_ID NUMBER 18 Sold to Account (Customer Account) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Used in bill presentment. Active
SOLD_TO_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Sold to Site (Customer Account Site Use) for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Used in bill presentment. Active
SHIP_INV_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Shipping Inventory Organization for Sell Intent contracts. Defaulted to lines. Active
RECV_INV_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Receiving Inventory Organization for Buy Intent contracts. Defaulted to project lines. Active
PAYMENT_TERM_ID NUMBER 18 Payment terms for the invoice for service lines - 2 Net, 20 Net, Immediate etc. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
PAYMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 CCR/COM (Credit Card or Commitment), Payment method for the contract. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 3 Payment instruction type - can be PO, Wire or Check. Used along with Payment Instruction. Active
COMMITMENT_ID NUMBER 18 If Payment Method is Commitment, stores the Receivables Commitment id (Deposit). Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID NUMBER 18 This attribute is always derived from the Business Unit's Default Legal Context.User can change the legal entity. Active
TAX_EXEMPTION_CONTROL VARCHAR2 30 Can be Standard, Exempt or Required. If no value specified, treated as Standard. If Exempt, Exemption Number and Reason are mandatory. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1.1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
EXEMPT_CERTIFICATE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 80 Specifies the Tax Exemption Number. Mandatory when Tax Exemption Control Flag = Exempt. Specifies the Exemption Number to be used during tax calculation. Has to be an approved exemption. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1.1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
EXEMPT_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Tax Exemption Reason code associated with the Tax Exemption Number. Auto populated based on the Exemption number. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1.1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
OUTPUT_TAX_CLASSIFICATION_CODE VARCHAR2 50 Default Tax Classification Code for normal project lines ?? provided for backward compatibility. Active
TAX_AMOUNT NUMBER Roll up of service line tax amounts. Valid only for a contract type with service lines. In V1, this will only be stamped for OM originated contracts. Active
DATE_APPROVED DATE Date when contract was approved. Active
DATETIME_CANCELLED DATE Date when contract was cancelled. Active
DATE_SIGNED DATE Date when contract was signed. Active
DATE_TERMINATED DATE Effective date on which the contract will be terminated. Active
TERM_CANCEL_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the Termination or Cancellation Source, Manual, IB Transfer, IB Replace, IB Return etc. Active
CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT NUMBER When multiple contracts are used to fund a single project simultaneously (instead of sequentially), each contract will contribute a Pre-specified percentage. Default to 100%. This contribution percentage should only be applicable to contracts with project lines with rate based billing. Active
BILL_SEQUENCE NUMBER 18 When multiple contracts are used to fund a single project sequentially, each contract should be assigned a user entered sequence which will determine the order of consumption. This sequence should only be applicable to contracts with project lines with rate based billing. Active
BILLED_AT_SOURCE VARCHAR2 1 Yes/No/Null, indicates if the contract was imported from an external system or originated from DOO (Distributed Order Orchestration), and whether it was billed in the source system. Yes - External contract, billed in the source system, billing and termination not handled in ECM. No -External contract, not billed in the source system, billing and termination is handled in ECM. Null -Not an external contract. Active
OVERALL_RISK_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Overall risk level of the contract. Active
PRIMARY_ENT_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Primary Party that is entitled to services covered in the contract. Valid only for Sell Intent contracts. Active
NET_INVOICE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to net invoice. Active
ORIG_SYSTEM_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifier of the Source system. (Out of scope for V1) Active
ORIG_SYSTEM_ID1 NUMBER 18 Unique Identifier of the contract in Source System. (Out of scope for V1). Active
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE1 VARCHAR2 30 Contract Reference in the Source system. (Out of scope for V1) Active
ORDER_ID NUMBER 18 Order id of the Sales Order will be captured for OM originated contracts (Out of scope for V1) Active
ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 Order number captured for OM originated contracts (Out of scope for V1) Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE21 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE22 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE23 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE24 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE25 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE26 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE27 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE28 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE29 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE30 VARCHAR2 500 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
LAST_REV_RECOG_DATE DATE Not exposed on UI. Will be updated by revenue recognition program. Active
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
PROGRAM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the concurrent program. Active
PROGRAM_APP_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Identifies the Application name spawning the Concurrent Request. Active
AMENDMENT_EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE Change Management Project's amendment effective date Active
HOLD_UNTIL_DATE DATE Date until which the hold is effective on the contract. Active
HOLD_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the reason for which contract was put on hold. Active
OWNING_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the Business Unit (that has the Projects function enabled) that will be responsible for developing this contract. Only applies to a contract type with project lines. Active
AUTO_RELEASE_INVOICE VARCHAR2 1 Identifies whether to release invoice automatically Active
LINE_AUTONUMBER_ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Line auto numbering flag Active
AP_TERMS_ID NUMBER 18 Payment term for a buy intent contract. Active
FOB VARCHAR2 230 Optional - Valid only for a contract with buy intent. Determines the point of transfer of ownership. Active
FREIGHT_TERMS VARCHAR2 230 Optional - Valid only for a contract with buy intent. Determines the freight terms for the contract. Active
SHIPTO_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Optional - HR location associated with the Ship-to Organization. Active
REV_CONV_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 15 Rev conv rate type. Active
TASK_ID VARCHAR2 64 Task Id for contracts from human task flow . Active
BILLTO_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Optional - HR location associated with the Bill-to Organization. Active
DATE_NOTIFIED DATE Date on which the Expiration Notification was sent Active
AGREED_AMOUNT NUMBER Agreement - Agreed amount Active
AGREEMENT_AMT_LIMIT NUMBER Agreement - Amount limit Active
MIN_RELEASE_AMT NUMBER Agreement - Minimum release amount Active
ENCUMBRANCE_LEVEL VARCHAR2 30 Agreement - Encumbrance level can be either Agreement or Release Active
CARRIER_ID NUMBER 18 Carrier Id Active
AUTHORING_PARTY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Authoring Party Code Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER10 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Active
EXTERNAL_KEY1 VARCHAR2 120 External key that uniquely identifies a record. Active
EXTERNAL_KEY2 VARCHAR2 120 Additional attribute to qualify external key Active
PRICING_SEGMENT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Pricing Customer Segment code. (lookup_type='QP_CUST_PRICING_SEGMENTS') Active
PRICING_STRATEGY_ID NUMBER 18 Pricing Strategy Id for customer. (FK to QP_PRICING_STRATEGIES_ALL_B) Active
PRICING_CALENDAR_ID NUMBER 18 Calendar Id for periodic pricing. FK to GL_CALENDARS (CALENDAR_ID) Active
PRICING_PERIOD_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 lookup with values 'Period', 'Quarter', 'Year Active
USER_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Customer defined code from OKC_USER_STATUSES_B table. Active
STATE_TRANSITION_FLOW_NAME VARCHAR2 240 The active state transition flow definition file name that is mapped to the contract type of this contract. Active
STATE_TRANSITION_FLOW_STATE VARCHAR2 240 The current state that the contract is in. Active
COMMITMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Commitment amount of a sales agreement Active
ALLOW_PERIODIC_PRICING_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator to decide whether periodic pricing is allowed for a Sales agreement. Active
ASSIGNEE_ID NUMBER 18 Current assignee of a contract Active
ASSIGNEE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Assignee type of the assignee Active
CORRELATION_ID VARCHAR2 60 correlation id for approval task
PRICE_LIST VARCHAR2 30 Lookup with values -'Corporate Bulk','EMEA Electronics' ,'North American Electronics'
ADJUSTMENT_BASIS VARCHAR2 30 Lookup with values 'Base Price','List Price'
VIEW_ONLY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 View only Flag for Contract
PRICING_SEGMENT_EXPLANATION VARCHAR2 1000 Pricing segment explanation
PRICING_STRATEGY_EXPLANATION VARCHAR2 1000 Pricing strategy explanation
SEGMENT_EXPLANATION_MSG_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Segment explanation message name
BILLING_FREQ VARCHAR2 30 Billing Frequency
CONTRACT_TRUE_VALUE NUMBER True value of contract
CONTRACT_INVOICED_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount invoiced for Contract
CONTRACT_CREDITED_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount credited for Contract
ORDER_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Source of Order System FUSION, CPQ etc.
INV_CONVERSION_RATE NUMBER Currency Conversion rate
PRICED_ON TIMESTAMP Date on which pricing is calculated
DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Tax document sub type
AR_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 Source AR System for the Contract.
PAYMENT_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Payment Method for Contract Header
TRXN_EXTENSION_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction extension id
PO_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Purchase Order Number
INSTR_ASSIGNMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Instrument Assignment Id
DATE_RENEWED DATE Date when contract was renewed.
SPECIFIC_DAYS NUMBER 9 Bill for specific Days value from 1 to 31
QUOTE_TO_COPY_TO_EMAIL VARCHAR2 2000 Quote To Copy to Email addresses separated by semi colon
NEGOTIATION_CUST_ACCEPTANCE VARCHAR2 30 Negotiation Customer Acceptance
NEGOTIATION_K_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2 200 Negotiation Contracts Layout Template
NEGOTIATION_T_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE VARCHAR2 200 Negotiation Terms Layout Template
NEGOTIATION_COMM_CHANNEL VARCHAR2 30 Negotiation Communication Channel
NEGOTIATION_ENABLE_NOTIF_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Negotiation Enable Reminder Notification Flag
PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID NUMBER 18 Primary Salesperson of the Contract, coming from jtf_rs_resources
BILLING_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER 18 Billing Template Id to default bunch of Billing related attributes.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 20 Transaction Type Name to store AR transaction type of contract
SUBSCRIPTION_INVOICE_TEXT VARCHAR2 4000 Subscription invoice text to store the invoice text for Subscription Lines.
COVERAGE_INVOICE_TEXT VARCHAR2 4000 Coverage invoice text to store the invoice text for Coverage Lines.
UNDER_AMEND_VERSION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or NULL - if under amendment with versioning, N if version wasn't created for amendment Always NULL if the contract is not UA
AUTO_SEND_FOR_SIGNATURE VARCHAR2 1 Auto Send for Signature to store Y or N to determine contract is enable for Auto Sign or not
ESIGN_TEMPLATE_ID VARCHAR2 120 Esignatute Template Id
SOURCE_DOC_SYSTEM_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Source document system, based on ORA_OKC_SOURCE_SYSTEM lookup
SOURCE_DOC_ID NUMBER 18 Source Document ID
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP001 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP002 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP003 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER001 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER002 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER003 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER004 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER005 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER006 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER007 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER008 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR001 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR002 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR003 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR004 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR005 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR006 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR007 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR008 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR009 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR010 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR011 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR012 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR013 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR014 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP004 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP005 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP006 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER009 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER010 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER011 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER012 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER013 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER014 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER015 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER016 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR015 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR016 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR017 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR018 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR019 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR020 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR021 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR022 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR023 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR024 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR025 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR026 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR027 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR028 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB001 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB002 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP007 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP008 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP009 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER017 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER018 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER019 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER020 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER021 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER022 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER023 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER024 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR029 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR030 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR031 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR032 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR033 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR034 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR035 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR036 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR037 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR038 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR039 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR040 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR041 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR042 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP010 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP011 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP012 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER025 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER026 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER027 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER028 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER029 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER030 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER031 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER032 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR043 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR044 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR045 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR046 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR047 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR048 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR049 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR050 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR051 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR052 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR053 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR054 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR055 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR056 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB003 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB004 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP013 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP014 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP015 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER033 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER034 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER035 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER036 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER037 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER038 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER039 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER040 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR057 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR058 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR059 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR060 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR061 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR062 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR063 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR064 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR065 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR066 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR067 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR068 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR069 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR070 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP016 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP017 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP018 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER041 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER042 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER043 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER044 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER045 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER046 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER047 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER048 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR071 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR072 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR073 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR074 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR075 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR076 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR077 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR078 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR079 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR080 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR081 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR082 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR083 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR084 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB005 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB006 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP019 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP020 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP021 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER049 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER050 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER051 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER052 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER053 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER054 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER055 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER056 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR085 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR086 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR087 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR088 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR089 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR090 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR091 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR092 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR093 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR094 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR095 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR096 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR097 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR098 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP022 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP023 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP024 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER057 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER058 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER059 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER060 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER061 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER062 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER063 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER064 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR099 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR100 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR101 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR102 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR103 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR104 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR105 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR106 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR107 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR108 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR109 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR110 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR111 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR112 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB007 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB008 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP025 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP026 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP027 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER065 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER066 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER067 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER068 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER069 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER070 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER071 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER072 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR113 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR114 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR115 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR116 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR117 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR118 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR119 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR120 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR121 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR122 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR123 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR124 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR125 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR126 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP028 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP029 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP030 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER073 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER074 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER075 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER076 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER077 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER078 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER079 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER080 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR127 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR128 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR129 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR130 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR131 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR132 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR133 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR134 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR135 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR136 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR137 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR138 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR139 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR140 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB009 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB010 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP031 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP032 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP033 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER081 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER082 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER083 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER084 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER085 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER086 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER087 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER088 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR141 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR142 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR143 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR144 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR145 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR146 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR147 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR148 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR149 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR150 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR151 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR152 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR153 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR154 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP034 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP035 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP036 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER089 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER090 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER091 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER092 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER093 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER094 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER095 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER096 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR155 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR156 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR157 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR158 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR159 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR160 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR161 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR162 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR163 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR164 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR165 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR166 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR167 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR168 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB011 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB012 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP037 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP038 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP039 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER097 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER098 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER099 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER100 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER101 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER102 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER103 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER104 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR169 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR170 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR171 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR172 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR173 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR174 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR175 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR176 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR177 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR178 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR179 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR180 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR181 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR182 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP040 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP041 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP042 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER105 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER106 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER107 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER108 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER109 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER110 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER111 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER112 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR183 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR184 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR185 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR186 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR187 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR188 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR189 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR190 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR191 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR192 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR193 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR194 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR195 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR196 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB013 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB014 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP043 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP044 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP045 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER113 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER114 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER115 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER116 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER117 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER118 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER119 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER120 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR197 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR198 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR199 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR200 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR201 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR202 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR203 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR204 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR205 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR206 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR207 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR208 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR209 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR210 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP046 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP047 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP048 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER121 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER122 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER123 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER124 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER125 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER126 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER127 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER128 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR211 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR212 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR213 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR214 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR215 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR216 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR217 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR218 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR219 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR220 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR221 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR222 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR223 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR224 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB015 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB016 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP049 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP050 TIMESTAMP Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER129 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER130 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER131 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER132 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER133 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER134 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER135 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER136 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR225 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR226 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR227 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR228 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR229 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR230 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR231 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR232 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR233 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR234 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR235 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR236 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR237 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR238 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER137 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER138 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER139 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER140 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER141 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER142 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER143 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER144 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR239 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR240 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR241 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR242 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR243 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR244 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR245 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR246 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR247 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR248 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR249 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR250 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR251 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR252 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB017 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB018 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER145 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER146 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER147 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER148 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER149 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER150 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER151 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER152 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR253 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR254 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR255 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR256 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR257 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR258 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR259 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR260 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR261 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR262 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR263 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR264 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR265 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR266 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER153 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER154 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER155 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER156 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER157 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER158 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER159 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER160 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR267 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR268 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR269 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR270 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR271 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR272 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR273 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR274 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR275 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR276 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR277 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR278 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR279 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR280 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB019 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB020 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER161 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER162 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER163 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER164 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER165 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER166 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER167 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER168 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR281 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR282 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR283 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR284 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR285 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR286 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR287 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR288 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR289 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR290 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR291 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR292 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR293 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR294 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER169 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER170 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER171 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER172 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER173 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER174 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER175 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER176 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR295 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR296 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR297 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR298 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR299 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR300 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR301 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR302 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR303 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR304 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR305 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR306 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR307 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR308 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB021 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB022 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER177 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER178 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER179 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER180 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER181 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER182 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER183 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER184 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR309 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR310 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR311 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR312 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR313 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR314 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR315 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR316 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR317 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR318 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR319 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR320 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR321 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR322 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER185 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER186 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER187 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER188 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER189 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER190 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER191 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER192 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR323 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR324 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR325 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR326 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR327 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR328 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR329 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR330 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR331 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR332 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR333 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR334 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR335 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR336 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB023 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB024 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER193 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER194 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER195 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER196 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER197 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER198 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER199 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER200 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR337 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR338 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR339 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR340 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR341 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR342 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR343 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR344 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR345 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR346 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR347 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR348 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR349 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR350 VARCHAR2 1500 Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CLOB025 CLOB Runtime Extensibility: Column reserved for custom extension attributes.
SHARE_WITH_EXTERNAL_PARTY_YN VARCHAR2 1 Indicates if the contract is shared with external parties, for example, to external supplier users in the Supplier Portal
BASE_CONTRACT_YN VARCHAR2 1 This column will indicate base contract or not
OCM_FOLDER_ID VARCHAR2 240 OBSOLETE:Oracle Content Management Folder Id Obsolete

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H hz_cust_acct_sites_all SOLD_TO_SITE_ID
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H inv_org_parameters SHIP_INV_ORG_ID
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H inv_org_parameters RECV_INV_ORG_ID
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H ra_cust_trx_types_all INV_TRX_TYPE_ID
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H gl_daily_conversion_types INV_CONV_RATE_TYPE
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H hz_cust_site_uses_all BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID
OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B_H hz_cust_site_uses_all SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status