This table is used to store the list of entities


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZCA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: REFERENCE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
ENTITY_UUID VARCHAR2 36 Yes the primary key for an entity within the meta-data version
META_MODEL_VERSION_UUID VARCHAR2 36 Yes the meta-data version for this entity
ENTITY_NAME VARCHAR2 120 Yes the name of the entity, which must be unique within the meta data version
RI_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 40 the object type used in recent items if this is a top-level searchable object
FUNCTIONAL_PERMISSION_NAME VARCHAR2 120 the name of the functional permission required to view this object, if any
PRIMARY_ENTITY_USAGE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the uuid of the primary entity usage for this entity
PRIMARY_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that is the primary key for an entity
REST_RESOURCE_NAME VARCHAR2 120 the name of the ADF bc REST resource name
REST_PK_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the ADF bc REST primary key atribute
EXTN_JOIN_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the uuid of the attribute that is used to join with custom child objects
DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that is used as the display for the entity
INLINE_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the uuid of the inline attribute whose foreign key represents the entity that this entity extends
RECORD_SET_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that is used for implementing the record set for a top-level entity
VERSION_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that contains the object version number for this entity, if any
LAST_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that is contains the last update attribute for this entity, if any
USER_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that defines the user if this entity is a user entity
START_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that defines the start date if this is a date-effective entity
END_DATE_ATTRIBUTE_UUID VARCHAR2 36 the attribute uuid that defines the end date if this is a date-effective entity
CAN_BE_ENABLED_DISABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the top-level entity can be enabled/disabled as child entities can never be disabled.
ENABLED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the entity is enabled
DOCUMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the entity is a top-level document
MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS NUMBER 9 The maximum age in days for the documents in a top-level index where NULL indicates all documents are retained
TRANSIENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the entity is a transient entity, i.e., not grounded in the database
EXTN_ENTITY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the entity is an extension entity
NUMBER_OF_SHARDS NUMBER 3 the number of shards > 1 < 5 Obsolete
NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS NUMBER 3 the number of replicas > 1 <= NUMBER_OF_SHARDS
RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID VARCHAR2 500 the resource bundle to use for localization
RESOURCE_KEY_NAME VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized name
RESOURCE_KEY_PLURAL_NAME VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized plural name
RESOURCE_KEY_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized description
RESOURCE_KEY_HELP VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized help
EXTN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID VARCHAR2 500 the customized resource bundle to use for localization
EXTN_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the EXTN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized name
EXTN_RESOURCE_KEY_PLURAL_NAME VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the EXTN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized plural name
EXTN_RESOURCE_KEY_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the EXTN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized description
EXTN_RESOURCE_KEY_HELP VARCHAR2 500 the resource key in the EXTN_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_ID for the localized help
DELETED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y iff the row was deleted, otherwise N
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
USER_LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Disconnected Mobile: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. This value is different from LAST_UPDATE_DATE if the update originally happened in a different database (i.e. a different mobile database or the server).
SEED_DATA_SOURCE VARCHAR2 512 Source of seed data record. A value of 'BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT' indicates that record was bulk loaded. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file.
ORA_SEED_SET1 VARCHAR2 1 Yes Oracle internal use only. Indicates the edition-based redefinition (EBR) context of the row for SET1. Context values are Y or N.
ORA_SEED_SET2 VARCHAR2 1 Yes Oracle internal use only. Indicates the edition-based redefinition (EBR) context of the row for SET2. Context values are Y or N.
PRODUCT_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Yes Column to store the product team code for the entity
ALLOW_CRAWL_REFERENCES_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Y if this root entity may have references included during crawl, otherwise N


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns