ZCA_OBJECTS : This table would be used for registration of an import object


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZCA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: REFERENCE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
OBJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary key of the ZCA_OBJECTS table
SUPPORT_OPTIMIZED_IMPORT VARCHAR2 1 This column specifies whether the object supports optimized import or not
OBJECT_VO VARCHAR2 600 Yes VO used to define the base REST Object
PRIMARY_VO VARCHAR2 600 If OBJECT_VO refers to a Secondary VO, then this column would have the corresponding Primary VO name
PRIMARY_ENTITY_DEFINITION VARCHAR2 600 Primary Entity Object Definition for the corresponding Viewobject
LANG_INDEPENDENT_CODE VARCHAR2 128 Yes 'Language Independent Code' of the corresponding object in bulk import, if it exists
OBJECT_PARENT_LIC VARCHAR2 2000 Comma separated list of 'LANG_INDEPENDENT_CODE' values used to identify potential parent of object of a current object. Will be used for hierarchical display purpose
CUSTOM_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Specifies whether it is a custom object
OBJECT_TABLE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Table on which the current VO is based
OBJECT_PK_ATTR1 VARCHAR2 100 Yes PK attribute name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
OBJECT_PK_ATTR2 VARCHAR2 100 PK attribute name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
OBJECT_PK_ATTR3 VARCHAR2 100 PK attribute name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
OBJECT_PK_ATTR4 VARCHAR2 100 PK attribute name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
OBJECT_PK_ATTR5 VARCHAR2 100 PK attribute name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN1 VARCHAR2 100 Yes Column name for Primary key attribute.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN2 VARCHAR2 100 Column name for Primary key attribute.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN3 VARCHAR2 100 Column name for Primary key attribute.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN4 VARCHAR2 100 Column name for Primary key attribute.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN5 VARCHAR2 100 Column name for Primary key attribute.
OBJECT_PUID_ATTR VARCHAR2 100 PUID attribute name. Can be read using new API provided by extensibility, Extensibility Public APIs - getPuidField().
OBJECT_PUID_COLUMN VARCHAR2 30 Column Name for PUID Attribute of the object.
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_ATTR1 VARCHAR2 100 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_ATTR2 VARCHAR2 100 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_ATTR3 VARCHAR2 100 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_ATTR4 VARCHAR2 100 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_ATTR5 VARCHAR2 100 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_COLUMN1 VARCHAR2 100 Column corresponding to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_COLUMN2 VARCHAR2 100 Column corresponding to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_COLUMN3 VARCHAR2 100 Column corresponding to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_COLUMN4 VARCHAR2 100 Column corresponding to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_COLUMN5 VARCHAR2 100 Column corresponding to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VOs FK
OBJECT_PARENT_FK_TABLE VARCHAR2 30 Table name in which contains Parent Vos FK
MDS_LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMP A TIMESTAMP to denote the time when MDS definition was read for this object to update its metadata in this table
UCM_ACCOUNT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 120 UCM_ACCOUNT_NUMBER stores the UCM folder name where files are uploaded.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 100 Yes This will be used for defining security predicates. The possible values are StandardObject, StandardChild, CustomChildOfStandard, CustomObject, CustomChildOfCustom, IntersectionObject
PRIMARY_VO_COUNT NUMBER 9 Column saves an integer number which will indicate the number of primary vo a secondary object is based on
LABEL_RESID VARCHAR2 700 It specifies the Label ResId for the object. It will be used to determine the display name for the object.
OBJECT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 4000 It specifies the description for the object.
OBJECT_QUERY CLOB It specifies the query to fetch the details related to object.
PLURAL_LABEL_RESOURCE_ID VARCHAR2 700 It specifies the plural label resource identifier of an object. It is used to determine the plural display label of the object
REST_RESOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 100 It Specifies the REST REsource code of the object
REST_RESOURCE_ROW_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 100 It Specifies the REST Resource RowIdentifier of the object
REST_ATTACHMENT_RESOURCE_URL VARCHAR2 500 It Specifies the REST Attachment Resource URL of the object
EXTENSIBLE_VIEW_DEFINITION VARCHAR2 600 It Specifies the Extensible VO for the object. If VO is not extensible it stores null

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
zca_object_properties zca_objects LANG_INDEPENDENT_CODE
svc_field_groups zca_objects OBJECT_TYPE
zca_object_attributes zca_objects OBJECT_ID
zca_object_relations zca_objects SOURCE_OBJECT_CODE


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns