This is a temporary dynamic table that stores the snapshot of the eligible rollups from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table that needs to be processed by data refresh job.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZCA

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
ROLLUP_ID VARCHAR2 64 Yes The unique identifier for the rollup. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
OBJECT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Name of the source object. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
OBJECT_ROLLUP_TABLE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Name of the table where calculated rollup data of the source object would be stored. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
OBJECT_PK_COLUMN VARCHAR2 30 Yes Database column name of the source object's primary key.
ATTR_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Rollup attribute type. Supported values are NUMBER and TIMESTAMP. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
ATTR_DB_COLUMN VARCHAR2 30 Yes Rollup attribute database column name.
REFRESH_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Stores current rollup refresh type Full,Incremental,Hierarchy
HIERARCHY_ATTR_DB_COLUMN VARCHAR2 30 Hierarchy attribute database column name.
AGGREGATE_DB_COLUMN VARCHAR2 30 Dynamically assigned database column from ZCA_ROLLUP_CALCULATION table.
FUNCTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Aggregation function code that would be used to calculate the rollup data. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
COMPILED_SOURCE_AMT_CONV VARCHAR2 400 Generated expression to convert the amount field value to corporate currency. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
COMPILED_SQL CLOB Generated refresh SQL that would be used to calculate the rollup values. Copied from ZCA_ROLLUPS_B table.
CAL_BATCH_ID NUMBER 3 Calculation batch identifier.
CAL_START_TIME TIMESTAMP Calculation process start time.
CAL_PHASE1_END_TIME TIMESTAMP Phase 1 calculation process end time.
CAL_PHASE2_END_TIME TIMESTAMP Phase 2 calculation process end time.
CAL_ROW_COUNT NUMBER 12 Number of rows created by calculation process.
CAL_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Calculation process status.
NUM_OF_UPDATE_BATCH NUMBER 3 Count of update batches.
NUM_OF_UPDATE_BATCH_LEFT NUMBER 3 Count of update batches left to be processed.
UPDATE_START_TIME TIMESTAMP Update process start time.
UPDATE_END_TIME TIMESTAMP Update process end time.
UPDATE_ROW_COUNT NUMBER Number of rows updated by the update process.
UPDATE_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Update process status.
HIER_UPDATE_START_TIME TIMESTAMP Hierarchy update process start time.
HIER_UPDATE_END_TIME TIMESTAMP Hierarchy update process end time.
HIER_UPDATE_ROW_COUNT NUMBER Number of rows updated by the hierarchy update process.
HIER_UPDATE_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Hierarchy update process status.
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 4000 The error message returned during the process.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns