This table table stores the errors/conflicts and resolutions in data management processes. It is meant to store different errors from different source processes. Duplication resolution is one of the source processes.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZCH

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DATA_PROC_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The transaction which causes the error.
DATA_PROC_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier which caused error. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
OBJ_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Yes Name of the object which has the error. UI friendly name
OBJ_DEF VARCHAR2 100 Yes The entity object definition.
RECORD_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The Id of the record which has the error
RECORD_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non-numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non-numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non-numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non-numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non-numeric key for a record.
PARENT_OBJ_DEF VARCHAR2 100 The error occurs in the context of a parent entity.
ERROR_DATE_TIME TIMESTAMP The date/time the error occurs. If it is NULL, it is the same as creation time.
ERROR_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The status of the error/conflict. Unresolved when insert. Resolved when interpreted by UI
ERROR_CAUSE_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The action/operation which causes the error. For example, merge, transfer, or update, insert, delete.
RESOLUTION_ACTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 The resolution applied to the error. For example, ignore, reapply et al.
DETAIL_ERROR VARCHAR2 2000 The detail error message
SOURCE_PROC_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 The process which created this error. For example, merge, unmerge.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 50 for example FND lookup code, FND message name or JBO error code returned by JboMessage#getErrorCode
ERROR_DETAIL CLOB for example Java stacktrace of JBO exception, similar to ERROR_WARNING_DETAIL in ESS request history
ERROR_SEVERITY NUMBER 9 for example based on JBO error severity returned by JboException#getSeverity
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status