This table stores history of various data management operations. It serves as an audit trial of a given data management process.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZCH

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
HIST_LOG_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 2000 Store the effect of an operation that was performed.
OBJ_DEF VARCHAR2 100 The whole package name of the entity.
DATA_PROC_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The transaction which the history is about.
DATA_PROC_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
DATA_PROC_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the transaction identifier. It is added for possible composite non- numeric keys for a transaction.
OBJ_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Yes The entity which the process has operate on
RECORD_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The Id of the record which the process has operate on
RECORD_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric key values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite non numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID2 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID3 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID4 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_ID5 NUMBER 18 Store the numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY2 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY3 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY4 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
RECORD_VERSION_KEY5 VARCHAR2 100 Store the non-numeric version values for record being processed. It is added for possible composite numeric key for a record.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2 100 The attribute which the process has operate on
OPERATION_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The operation is applied on this record. For example, delete, update, or transfer.
NEW_VALUE VARCHAR2 100 The new value if the operation is update or transfer
OLD_VALUE VARCHAR2 100 The old value if the operation is update or transfer.
SOURCE_PROC_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 The process which created this error. For example, merge, unmerge.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status