Users perform transactions on the Sales Forecasting and Opportunity Management user interface applications in the form of adjustments and revenue edits. Such transactions alter the unadjusted forecast and item / summary forecast numbers of a territory and all its ancestors. Each transaction will insert rows containing the differences between the old and new value of the metrics modified, rolled up all the way to the root product and root territory. This table will also have new rows inserted when the background jobs Refresh Current Forecast and Refresh Territory Forecast are executed. Other background jobs like Copy Previous Forecast Adjustments and Allocate Adjustments By Time will also insert metric differentials into this table in the same manner discussed above. This table will have the same structure as the table ZSF_FCST_METRICS. The column request_id will be set to -1 in this table always.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZSF

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
FCST_METRICS_TXN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Generated primary ID for the ZSF_FCST_METRICS_TXN table.
FCST_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The forecast header for which the metric details are captured.
FCST_METRICS_PARTITION_KEY NUMBER 18 This is a new partition Key for zsf_Fcst_metrics table. This is an alternate key to the fcst_header_id
ADJUST_PERIOD_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Adjustment Period. For adjustments by Territory and Product, this will be the last adjust_period_id of the corresponding forecast header.
FCST_TERRITORY_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Territory Id of the fcst_participant_id for which the metrics details are captured
FCST_PARTICIPANT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Participant Id from zsf_fcst_participant for which metrics are stored in this table.
FCST_PRODUCT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Product id for which metrics is stored. If there are no products in the application, a dummy product will be created and that Id will be used in this column instead.
ROOT_PRODUCT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Used only in case the metrics should be computed for TERR, TERR_AP views. This will be either 'Y' indicating that fcst_product_id is the root product for that header or N if it is not the Root product
UNALLOCATED_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 This column will have the value 'N' if the adjustment of category BI_TERR_PROD_ADJPER is created from an actual VIEW2 adjustment. It will have a value 'Y' if the adjustment is a copy of the VIEW1 adjustment created for bi_metric_type BI_TERR_PROD_ADJPER.
CORP_REVN_AMT NUMBER unadjusted revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_REVN_EXPECT_AMT NUMBER expected revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_UPSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted Metrics for Non-Pseudo Territory, upside revenue amount is stored here
CORP_DOWNSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted Metrics for Non-Pseudo Territory, downside revenue amount is stored here.
CORP_PRED_REVN_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted Metrics for Non-Pseudo Territory, predicted revenue amount is stored here.
CORP_EXTN_UNADJ_MET_1 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 1 for custom unadjusted metrics
CORP_EXTN_UNADJ_MET_2 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 2 for custom unadjusted metrics
CORP_EXTN_UNADJ_MET_3 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 3 for custom unadjusted metrics
CORP_EXTN_UNADJ_MET_4 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 4 for custom unadjusted metrics
CORP_EXTN_UNADJ_MET_5 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 5 for custom unadjusted metrics
CORP_BEST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER best case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo terrtiory is stored here.
CORP_WRST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER worst case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_EXTN_ITADJ_MET_1 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 1 for custom item adjustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_ITADJ_MET_2 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 2 for custom item adjustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_ITADJ_MET_3 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 3 for custom item adjustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_ITADJ_MET_4 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 4 for custom item adjustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_ITADJ_MET_5 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 5 for custom item adjustment metrics
CORP_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_BEST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER best case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_WRST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER worst case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
CORP_EXTN_SUMADJ_MET_1 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 1 for custom summary adustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_SUMADJ_MET_2 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 2 for custom summary adustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_SUMADJ_MET_3 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 3 for custom summary adustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_SUMADJ_MET_4 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 4 for custom summary adustment metrics
CORP_EXTN_SUMADJ_MET_5 NUMBER Runtime Extensibility: place holder column 5 for custom summary adustment metrics
CHILD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
TRANSACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Could be UNADJ (corresponding to Forecast Item), ITEMADJ (corresponding to Item Adjustment), SUMADJ (corresponding to Summary Adjustment). Used for debugging errors in metrics summarization job.
TRANSACTION_SOURCE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Used to identify the source transaction of this transaction entry. Used for debugging errors in metrics summarization job.
PROCESS_STATUS VARCHAR2 1 Column to indicate that the row is being worked on by the Metrics Summarization Process. The column will be initially NULL and then will be set to P before processing starts for that row. Once processing is done, these rows will be deleted. If there were errors in processing, this row will be marked as E
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 4000 If the processing of a row results in an error, this column will hold the error observed while processing this row. The error should be truncated to 4000 characters before inserting into this column.
CORP_REVN_WON_AMT NUMBER This field has the Won amount stored in corporate currency.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CONFLICT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Disconnected Mobile: this value is used to guarantee the uniqueness of the row when duplicates are created in different databases (i.e. mobile databases or the server).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
USER_LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Disconnected Mobile: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. This value is different from LAST_UPDATE_DATE if the update originally happened in a different database (i.e. a different mobile database or the server).
UNADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER unadjusted Quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
ITADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER Item Adjustment Delta for Quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
SUMADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER Summary Adjustment Delta for Quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_REVN_WON_AMT NUMBER Renewal won amount in corporate currency.
RNWL_REVN_EXPECT_AMT NUMBER Expected renewal revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_PRED_REVN_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, predicted renewal revenue amount is stored here.
RNWL_UPSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, renewal upside revenue amount is stored here.
RNWL_REVN_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted renewal revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_DOWNSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, renewal downside revenue amount is stored here.
RNWL_UNADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER Renewal unadjusted quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_WRST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal worst case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_BEST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal best case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_ITADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER Renewal item adjustment delta for quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_WRST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal worst case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_BEST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal best case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER Renewal summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
RNWL_SUMADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER Renewal summary adjustment delta for quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_REVN_WON_AMT NUMBER New won amount in corporate currency.
NEW_REVN_EXPECT_AMT NUMBER Expected new revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_PRED_REVN_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, predicted new revenue amount is stored here.
NEW_UPSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, new upside revenue amount is stored here.
NEW_REVN_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted new revenue amount for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_DOWNSIDE_AMT NUMBER Unadjusted metrics for non-pseudo territory, new downside revenue amount is stored here.
NEW_UNADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER New unadjusted quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_WRST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New worst case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_BEST_ITEM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New best case item adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_ITADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER New item adjustment delta for quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_WRST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New worst case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_BEST_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New best case summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_SUM_ADJ_AMT NUMBER New summary adjustment (delta) amount for non-pseudo territory is stored here.
NEW_SUMADJ_QUANTITY NUMBER New summary adjustment delta for quantity for the non pseudo territory is stored here.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns