This table is used to store the opportunity revenue line item for tracking purpose in RTD inline service.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZSP

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
OPTY_EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Primary Key for the table.
JOB_THREAD_ID NUMBER 18 foreign key from ZSP_JOB_DETAILS table.
JOB_CODE VARCHAR2 30 foreign key from ZSP_JOBS table.
OPTY_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Foreign key from MOO_OPTY table.
REVN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Foreign key from MOO_REVN table.
CURR_STG_ID NUMBER 18 The sales stage this opportunity is currently at. The value is cross validated by Sales Method.
STAGE_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 100 The sales stage this opportunity is currently at.
STAGE_UPDATE_DATE DATE Sales Stage update date
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 100 Status code, such as Won, Lost etc.
STATUS_UPDATE_DATE DATE Revenue line item status update date
PROCESS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y/N. Whether model is learned on or not in this revenue line item.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
USER_LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Disconnected Mobile: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. This value is different from LAST_UPDATE_DATE if the update originally happened in a different database (i.e. a different mobile database or the server).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR16 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR17 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR18 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR19 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR20 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR21 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR22 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR23 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR24 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR25 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR26 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR27 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR28 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR29 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR30 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER10 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER11 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER12 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE11 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE12 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_CHAR1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns